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İstiklal Marşı – The Turkish National Anthem


Flags and national anthems are the two most important tokens of the representation of national identities. However, since national anthems consist of lyrics and music, it’s a little more effective in getting the feelings across. The lyrics usually express a country’s power, independence, and patriotic sentiments, which touch people’s hearts deeply. Furthermore, with the help of music and the act of singing, the nation becomes as one heart, which beats as one together.

Every national anthem is unique and has its own story behind it. Would you like to know the history of the Turkish national anthem? What is the national anthem of Turkey called? How about learning the Turkish national anthem’s lyrics in English?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Vocabulary Relevant to National Anthems
  2. History of Turkish National Anthem – ‘İstiklal Marşı’
  3. Lyrics of İstiklal Marşı
  4. Where, When, and How is the Turkish National Anthem Sung?
  5. All about Turkish Language and Turkish Culture

1.   Vocabulary Relevant to National Anthems

Geçit töreni  “Parade”

2.   History of Turkish National Anthem – ‘İstiklal Marşı’

1. Content and the origin of content

Turkish history goes back thousands of years, and the rule of theOttoman Empire is a significant period. Upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War 1, some regions of the Ottoman Empire were occupied by other countries. In 1919, the War of Independence was started to ensure and protect the integrity of the country. This war ended successfully in 1923 and led to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.

In 1921, it was announced in the nation that an original National March was going to be selected and awarded in a competition. The aim was to motivate the battling military forces and to encourage and honor the whole nation for an independent land at the end of the war.

724 poems took part in the competition. However, none of them were found to be suitable as a National March.

It was realized that Mehmet Akif Ersoy, who was a famous poet at that time, hadn’t participated in the competition. He hadn’t sent a poem because he disapproved of the fact that there was a monetary reward for the winner.

The National Parliament convinced him to write and present a poem and ignore the prize. Finally, he sent his poem, which consisted of 10 verses. He expressed his confidence in the courage and self-sacrifice of the Turkish soldiers and the Turkish nation’s commitment to independence, God, homeland, and religion in this poem. He was, basically, referring to the Turkish War of independence.

2. Adoption and the lyricist

Mehmet Akif Ersoy’s poem, which was titled İstiklal Marşı (“Independence March”), was adopted as the Turkish National Anthem on March 12th, 1921, before the establishment of the Turkish Republic.

Do you know what happened to the reward he was entitled to? It was donated to a foundation, which provided poor women and children with new skills so that they could find jobs and make some money.

3. Composer and Orchestrator

After the adoption of the lyrics, there was a Turkish national anthem composer competition for the musical composition of the poem. 24 composers participated in this competition. However, due to the war in the country, there was no time to evaluate the results. Therefore, the poem was sung differently in the country’s different regions.

In 1924, Ali Rıfat Çağatay’s composition was selected. His music was used until 1930. Then, the composition, prepared in 1922 by Osman Zeki Üngör, the conductor of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, started being used. However, it’s claimed that this music was composed for some other lyrics, not for the İstiklal Marşı.Later on, it was orchestrated by Edgar Manas.


3.   Lyrics of İstiklal Marşı

İstiklal Marşı consists of 10 verses. Only verses 1 and 2 are sung as the National Anthem!

Please note that the words “the star and the crescent,” which are mentioned a few times in the poem, represent the star and the crescent on the Turkish flag.

Turkish Flag

Below, you can find the Turkish national anthem in English. Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey has translated the first two verses below. The remaining 8 verses below have been translated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Günil Özlem Ayaydın Cebe.

   1Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak;

Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.

O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;

O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.
Fear not, the crimson flag, waving in these dawns will never fade

Before the last hearth that is burning in my nation vanishes.

That is my nation’s star, it will shine;

That is mine, it belongs solely to my nation.
Çatma, kurban olayım çehreni ey nazlı hilâl!

Kahraman ırkıma bir gül… ne bu şiddet bu celâl?

Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl,

Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan, milletimin istiklâl.
Oh coy crescent, do not frown for I am ready to sacrifice myself for you!

Please smile upon my heroic nation, why that anger, why that rage?

If you frown, our blood shed for you will not be worthy.

Freedom is the right of my nation who worships God and seeks what is right.

Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım.

Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım!

Kükremiş sel gibiyim; bendimi çiğner, aşarım;

Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım.
I have been free since eternity, and free shall I be.

What fool dares to shackle me? I defy the temerity!

I am like a roaring flood; I overflow trampling down my banks,

I tear apart mountains, surge into depths, and surpass.
Garb’ın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar;

Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var.

Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir îmânı boğar,

“Medeniyet!” dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar?
Western horizons may be encircled by walls armored in steel

But I have my chest brimful of faith as my homeland’s frontier.

Let it howl, fear not! How can it smother such solid faith

That single-fanged monster, “Civilization!” as you call it?
Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma sakın;

Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın.

Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın…

Kim bilir, belki yarın… belki yarından da yakın.
My friend! Never ever let the dastards into my land!

Render your body a shield; bring this heinous raid to an end.

For soon shall break the blissful days God promised, for sure;

Perhaps tomorrow, who knows, perhaps even sooner than that.
   6Bastığın yerleri “toprak!” diyerek geçme, tanı!

Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı.

Sen şehîd oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır atanı;

Verme, dünyâları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı
Do not assume what you tread on is mere “earth”, recognize it!

Think of the thousands, without shrouds, lying beneath.

You’re the son of a martyr, take shame, hurt not your ancestor;

Cede not this heavenly homeland, even if it’s the worlds you’re granted.
Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ?

Şühedâ fışkıracak, toprağı sıksan şühedâ!

Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Hudâ,

Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyâda cüdâ
Who would not offer his life for this homeland of paradise?

Martyrs would pour forth, all martyrs, should one simply clutch the earth!

If God will, He may take my life, my beloved, and my wealth,

But may He not, for the world, just deprive me of my homeland.
Ruhumun senden, İlâhî, şudur ancak emeli:

Değmesin ma’bedimin göğsüne nâ-mahrem eli!

Bu ezanlar-ki şehâdetleri dînin temeli

Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli
The sole wish of my soul, oh glorious God, from You is that,

No heathen would ever, on the bosom of my temple, lay hand!

These calls to prayer, whose testimonies are the ground of religion,

Should resound far and wide over my eternal homeland.
O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder –varsa- taşım;

Her cerîhamdan, İlâhî, boşanıp kanlı yaşım,

Fışkırır rûh-i mücerred gibi yerden na’şım;

O zaman yükselerek Arş’a değer, belki başım.
Then, my tombstone, if any, prostrates in rapture a thousand-fold,

Of my every wound, oh glorious God, tears of blood gush forth,

And out spurts my corpse, in pure spirit, from the ground,

Perhaps then, shall ascend and to the heavens touch my crown!
Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl;

Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl.

Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl:

Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış bayrağımın hürriyet;

Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl!
So ripple and wave, like dawning skies, oh glorious crescent,

So that every drop of my blood finally be blessed and worthy!

Neither you nor my race shall ever be annihilated,

For my flag, who has lived ever freely, has the right to liberty;

For my nation, who worships God, has the right to independence!

4. Where, When, and How is the Turkish National Anthem Sung?

1. Occasions

There is more to know about the Turkish national anthem. Let’s see when and where it’s played and sung.

1.  At the beginning of the ceremonies of the official holidays,

2. At the welcoming and farewell ceremonies of the presidents of other countries,

3. At the welcoming and farewell ceremonies of the high-ranking commanders,

4. At the flag hoisting and lowering ceremonies,

5. In the reception of foreign ambassadors and other diplomats,

6. At the beginning of the ceremonies held in military units, schools, and institutions,

Military Ceremony

7. In special ceremonies where the president of the Turkish Republic will be present,

8. At the start and end times of radio and television broadcasts,

9. At the beginning of the association board meetings,

10. At the flag ceremonies held in schools (Every Monday morning and Friday afternoons and on special days),

11. At the military oath of enlistments,

12. In the visits of the statesmen to Anıtkabir (Ataturk‘s monumental tomb) and in other cases Anıtkabir visits,

Ataturk's Monumental Tomb

13. At medal ceremonies,

14. In international sports games,

15. In the farewell of martyrs,

Farewell of Martyrs

16. At state ceremonies,

17. In sports games,

18. In oath ceremonies and other ceremonies of military schools, unions and institutions,

19. Before the ceremonies and meetings of various parties, associations and organizations, etc.

2. National Anthem Etiquette in Turkey

Every country has its own national anthem etiquette. Here is what you should and shouldn’t do when the Turkish anthem is played:

1. Everyone must stop.

2. Everyone must stand up.

3. Everyone must stand at attention.  (Straight, with feet together and arms by the sides)

4. Civilians have to take their hats off.

5. No eating, no talking, and no moving around during the march.

6. It must be sung in a respectful way.

One more piece of extra information about the Turkish anthem:

The lyrics of the Turkish national anthem, the Turkish flag, and the picture of Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, are framed and hung on the walls of every classroom in Turkey.

5.   All about Turkish Language and Turkish Culture

In this article, you found out the answer to the question: “What is the name of the national anthem of Turkey?” Then you learned other facts about the Turkish national anthem, such as the Turkish national anthem’s lyrics in English, the history of the Turkish national anthem, the Turkish national anthem’s composer, and the national anthem etiquette in Turkey, etc. However, there is a lot more to know about Turkish culture and the Turkish language.

Therefore, visit TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and free resources, including the dictionary you can refer to, to get a better grasp of the Turkish language and its culture.

Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.

Do you know what is also good about it? You can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not the least, please continue to provide us feedback about all the resources provided at TurkishClass101!

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Over 50 Useful Classroom Phrases in Turkish


Are you a foreign student who is planning to study in Turkey or are you a teacher who will be teaching in Turkey? In both cases, you will need to learn Turkish classroom words and phrases Turkish native speakers use.

If you are a student, you need to know school related vocabulary such as supplies, equipment, subjects etc. Furthermore, you should be able to understand the instructions given by your teacher. There are quite a number of Turkish classroom phrases for students in this article, which will make your life easier.

Dear teachers, I got you covered as well. I also included classroom phrases for teachers in Turkish so that you can communicate with your students smoothly.

Now, 1, 2, 3, eyes on me everybody; we are starting!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. School Related Vocabulary
  2. Teacher’s Phrases
  3. Student’s Phrases
  4. Tests/Quizzes/Exams
  5. Learn More with TurkishClass101!

 1.   School Related Vocabulary

Here is a huge list of school related vocabulary you can refer to.

 1.      General vocabulary

 Let’s follow the “general to specific” structure and start with general vocabulary.  

Devlet okulu“Public school”
Özel okul“Private school”
İlkokul“Elementary school”
Ortaokul“Middle school”
Lise“High school”
Sömestr tatili“Semester break”
Karne“Report card”

2. School buildings and rooms

 There will be times when you need to find your way around in your school. The following vocabulary will be very helpful at those times: 

Ana bina“Main building”
Müzik odası“Music room”
Öğretmenler odası“Teachers’ room”

3.      Classroom equipment

Every classroom has some equipment used by students and teachers. Let’s see what they are called in Turkish.  

Akıllı tahta“Smart board”
Tahta silgisi“Blackboard eraser”
Tahta kalemi“Board marker”

4.      School supplies

Can you imagine that you forgot one of your school supplies at home and wanted to borrow it from a friend and you don’t know what it is called in Turkish? There is always a solution; maybe you can show it to your friend, so he/she would understand what you want. However, is this an efficient communication? Of course not. Why should you struggle? Just note the following list: 

Okul çantası“School bag”
Kurşun kalem“Pencil”
Tükenmez kalem“Pen”
Silgi  “Eraser”
Kalemtıraş“Pencil sharpener”
Kalem kutusu“Pencil case”

School Supplies

 5.      List of school subjects

Here comes Turkish to English translations of some vocabulary related to school subjects, which is important for both students and teachers:  

Türk dili ve edebiyatı“Turkish Language and Literature”
Beden Eğitimi“Physical Education”

2.   Teacher’s Phrases

Our beloved teachers here comes your part where I will cover some classroom phrases for teachers in Turkish. 

1.      Greetings

Let’s begin with basic Turkish classroom greetings . Turkish native speakers use

Günaydın çocuklar/gençler“Good morning children/youth”
Tünaydın“Good afternoon”
İyi günler“Good day”
Kendinize iyi bakın“Take care of yourselves”
İyi dersler“Enjoy your classes”

2.      Instructions

 If you are looking for the answer to the question “How should a teacher give instructions in Turkish?” go ahead and check the basic Turkish phrases below:   

Dikkatli dinleyin.“Listen carefully.”
Tahtaya bakın lütfen.“Look at the board, please.”
Hep beraber tekrar edelim.“Let’s repeat together.”
Sorunuz varsa elinizi kaldırın. “Raise your hand if you have a question.”
Sayfa 5’i açın.“Open page 5.” 
3’lü gruplar oluşturun.“Form groups of 3.”

3.      Questions

Teachers use questions as a teaching tool; sometimes they are used to find out what students have learnt or haven’t learnt and at times, they are used to make students participate. Let’s take a look at some questions teachers can use in a classroom where Turkish is spoken.  

Bugün herkes burada mı?“Is everybody here today?”
Herkes ödevini yaptı mı?“Has everyone done their homework?”
Buraya kadar anladınız mı?“Did you understand up to here?”
Kim cevap vermek ister?“Who wants to answer?”
Bu konuyu kim anlatmak ister?“Who wants to explain this topic?”
Kim okumak ister?“Who wants to read?”
Herhangi bir sorunuz var mı?“Do you have any questions?”
Sıra kimde?“Who is next?”
Herkes bitirdi mi?“Has everyone finished?”

4.      Discipline 

When you are dealing with kids, sometimes things may go out of control. At that point, teachers have to use certain phrases to maintain discipline in the classroom. Make sure to note the following basic Turkish phrases; one day you might need them.

Oturun!“Take a seat!”
Susun!“Quit talking!”
Sessiz olun!“Be quiet!”
Sorunuz varsa, elinizi kaldırın.“Please raise your hand if you have a question.”
Cevabı biliyorsanız elinizi kaldırın.“Raise your hand if you know the answer.”


5.      Praise and motivation 

I believe the power of praise and motivation is unquestionable in education. Therefore, the Turkish classroom phrases below, will be another strong tool for teachers.  

Aferin! “Good job!” 
Aferin, böyle devam et.“Keep up the good work.”
Tam isabet!“Right on!”
İngilizceniz çok gelişti.“Your English has improved a lot.”

Praise and Clap

3.   Student’s Phrases

Dear students, here are some Turkish classroom phrases for students you can use in different cases. 

1.      Greetings  

Here are a few Turkish classroom greetings for students they can use to greet their teacher:  

Günaydın hocam/öğretmenim“Good morning teacher”
Tünaydın hocam“Good afternoon teacher”

2.      Concerns and questions

Are you wondering how you can address your concerns with your teacher in Turkish? Also, would you like to know how you can ask your questions in Turkish? Here comes a little help for you:  

Anlamadım.“I didn’t understand.”
Bunu tekrar edebilir misiniz lütfen?“Can you repeat that please?”
Biraz daha yavaş anlatabilir misiniz?Can you explain a little slower?”
Hangi sayfadayız?“Which page are we on?”
Bir kere daha anlatabilir misiniz?“Can you explain it one more time?”
Bana hiç anlamlı gelmiyor.“It doesn’t make any sense to me?”
Bu doğru mu?“Is this correct?”
Bana yardım edebilir misiniz?“Can you help me?”;
Bir soru sorabilir miyim?“May I ask a question?”
‘xxx’ ne demek?“What does ‘xxx’ mean?”

Raising a Hand

 3.      Talking about problems

Problems are everywhere, even in classrooms. Following basic Turkish phrases will help you to talk about your problems:

Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum, dışarı çıkabilir miyim?“I am not feeling well, may I go out?”
Kitabımı kaybettim.“I lost my book.”
Kitabımı evde unuttum.“I forgot my book at home.”
Ödevimi yapamadım.“I couldn’t do my homework.”
Tuvalete gidebilir miyim?“Can I go to the restroom?”
Geç kaldığım için özür dilerim.“I apologize for being late.”
Daha fazla süreye ihtiyacım var.“I need more time.”
Alıştırmaları bitiremedim.“I couldn’t complete the exercises.”
Yarın okula gelemeyeceğim.“I won’t be able to come to school tomorrow.”

4.      Talking about school subjects

If you are a student, talking about school subjects is inevitable. Here is how you can do it in Turkish

En sevdiğim ders ‘xxxx’.“My favorite subject is ‘xxxx.”
Matematikte hiç iyi değilim.“I am not good at Math, at all.”
Tarih dersini hiç sevmiyorum.“I don’t like history class, at all.”

4.   Tests/Quizzes/Exams

Exams are parts of the education system, but also, they are the nightmares of most students. Let’s take a look at some Turkish classroom phrases for students related to exams.


1.      Basic vocabulary

 Here is Turkish to English translations of some vocabulary related with tests and exams you can refer to: 

Test “Test”
Sınava girmek“To take an exam”
Sınavı geçmek“To pass the exam”
Sınavdan kalmak“To fail an exam”

2.      Instructions 

Reading the instructions in an exam can be as important as studying for the exam. You might know the answer, but if you don’t do exactly what the instructions tell you to do, you might fail your exam. Therefore, I strongly suggest that you pay attention to the following test instructions in Turkish.

Metni okuyun.“Read the text.”
Boşlukları doldurun.“Fill in the blanks”
Bu cümleleri tamamlayın.“Complete these sentences.”
Doğru seçeneği işaretleyin.“Mark the correct option.”

5.   Learn More with TurkishClass101!

In this article, you learned quite a number of Turkish classroom phrases for students and classroom phrases for teachers in Turkish. However, there are a lot more useful classroom phrases in Turkish!

Therefore, visit TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists and free resources including the dictionary you can refer to, in order to learn Turkish language faster or to improve your Turkish language learning. 

Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.

Do you know what is also good about it? You can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not the least; please continue to provide us feedback about all the resources provided at TurkishClass101!

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Your Guide for Dining Out: Turkish Restaurant Phrases


Turkish cuisine has a good reputation amongst the different cuisines in the world. Its variety and deliciousness are very well known.  

If you are reading this article, you may either be visiting Turkey for some reason or possibly you are interested in the different flavors of Turkish cuisine.

If you don’t speak the language, I can imagine what crosses your mind:

“I don’t know how to order food in Turkish; I should learn Turkish restaurant vocabulary/phrases; How do I call a waiter/waitress in Turkey? How much tip should I leave?”  

You don’t need to get stressed because we will cover common Turkish restaurant phrases as well as the relevant traditional facts in this article.

All you need to do is to note all the information below and dream of enjoying every bit of the amazing Turkish food.

Turkish Food

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Dining Vocabulary
  2. Making a Reservation at a Restaurant
  3. Conversations During Dining
  4. Ordering food and beverages
  5. After Dining
  6. Compliments and Complaints
  7. All About Turkish

1. Dining Vocabulary  

Before going into Turkish restaurant phrases, you should learn some dining vocabulary such as utensil names, food, beverages, tastes, etc. in Turkish. Let’s start with utensils.  

1. Utensils  

Below are the names of utensils in Turkish. If you want another plate or if you drop your fork, with the help of this vocabulary, you will be able to ask for another one.  


2. Food 

The following vocabulary will make your life easier when you are ordering your food:  

Dondurma“Ice cream”

3. Beverages  

We got you covered for beverages as well.  

Soda“Sparkling water”

4. Tastes 

As I mentioned above, Turkish cuisine is very rich and has many different varieties. Every region has its own unique tastes. Some regions are known for their very spicy foods. We suggest you take a close look at the following vocabulary to make sure the food you eat is not only pleasing to your eyes but also your mouth.

Baharatlı“Spicy” Other 

5. Other   

Here are some other restaurant-related words you might need: 


2. Making a Reservation at a Restaurant 

In Turkey, you usually don’t need to make a reservation in a small or a mid-size restaurant. You might wait for a short time if there is no availability because the “first come, first served” principle will work. However, if you are celebrating a special occasion, if you are a large group of friends, if you are having a business dinner, or if you have special guests, then you shouldn’t take a risk, and you must make a reservation in advance.

Also, breakfast/brunch places are usually packed on the weekends. It might be a good idea to make a reservation in advance not to wait too long.

Furthermore, on special days like Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve, restaurants get booked way in advance, so try to get a reservation a month prior; do not wait until the last minute to make one; you won’t have any luck!

On the other hand, almost all luxurious restaurants and prestigious bars with live music require a reservation.

1. Reservation on the phone

If you are making a reservation on the phone, the following Turkish restaurant dialogue will help you tremendously:  

İyi günler. “Şamdan” restoran, nasıl yardımcı olabilirim? – “Good day. “Şamdan” restaurant, how may I help you?”

İyi günler. 28 Temmuz Salı akşamı için iki kişilik rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum? – “Good day. I’d like to make a reservation for two on Tuesday, July 28th.”

Tabi, hemen kontrol ediyorum. Saat kaç için rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorsunuz? – “Sure, I’m checking right away. What time would you like to make a reservation?

Akşam saat sekiz için lütfen. Bir de deniz kenarındaki masalardan biri olursa çok iyi olur. – “For eight o’clock in the evening, please. Also, it would be great if it could be one of the tables by the sea.”

Tamam. 28 Temmuz Salı akşamı sekiz için iki kişi için deniz kenarında rezervasyonunuzu yaptım. Rezervasyonunuzu o akşam 8:15’e kadar tutabiliriz. Başka bir arzunuz var mı? – “Okay. I made a reservation for two people on Tuesday evening, July the 28th at 8 o’clock. We can hold your reservation until 8:15 p.m. that evening. Do you have any other requests?”

Teşekkürler, hoşçakalın. – “Thanks. Good-bye.”

Hoşçakalın – “Good-bye”

2. At the restaurant  

If you are at the restaurant and trying to get a table or informing them about an existing reservation, the following phrases will be life savers for you:

Brad James adına rezervasyonumuz vardı. –  “We had a reservation under the name of Brad James.”

4 kişilik bir masa istiyoruz lütfen. – “We’d like a table for 4, please.”

Nerede oturmak istersiniz? – “Where would you like to sit?”

Sigarasız bölümde oturmak istiyoruz. – “We’d like to sit in the non-smoking section.”

Bahçede yeriniz var mı? – “Do you have a table in the garden?”

Ne kadar beklememiz gerekir? – “How long do we have to wait?”

3. Conversations During Dining 

If you finally manage to get a table, you can take a deep breath and get ready for the next step! 

1. Getting the waiter’s attention

Displaying a menu outside of the restaurant is not that common in Turkey. This is more common in tourist destinations. These days even though many cafes use QR code menus, which are accessible via smartphones by scanning a QR code, most restaurants still offer traditional printed menus. Therefore, you might still need the help of a waiter/waitress.

Here are a few ways you can call a waiter/waitress.

Pardon, bakar mısınız? – “Excuse me.”

Pardon, sipariş verebilir miyiz? – “Excuse me, can we order?”  

2. All about the menu

Below are some common Turkish restaurant phrases you can use to get a menu and information about the food on the menu:  

Menüyü görebilir miyiz? –  “Can we see the menu?”

Şarap menüsünü alabilir miyiz lütfen? – “Could we have the wine menu please?”

Tatlı menüsünü getirebilir misiniz lütfen? – “Could you bring the dessert menu please?”

Ne tavsiye edersiniz? – “What would you recommend?”

Bugünün spesiyalleri neler? – “What are today’s specials?”

Günün çorbası nedir? – “What’s the soup of the day?”

Menüde yöresel bir yemek var mı? – “Is there a regional dish on the menu?”  

4. Ordering food and beverages

Here comes the most exciting part: ordering food and beverages.

1. Food

Your waiter/waitress will probably ask the following questions to get your order:

– Sipariş vermek için hazır mısınız? – “Are you ready to order?”

Siparişinizi alabilir miyim? – “Can I have your order?”

Ne yemek istersiniz? – “What would you like to eat?”

Taking Order

You can order your food with the following Turkish restaurant phrases:

Ben sadece salata istiyorum. – “I just want a salad.”

Çok pişmiş bonfile istiyorum ama yanında kızarmış patates istemiyorum. – “I’d like well-done steak, but I don’t want fried potatoes on the side.”

Benim çileğe karşı alerjim var. Bu tatlıda çilek var mı? – “I’m allergic to strawberries. Are there any strawberries in this dessert?”

2. Beverages

Here is a Turkish restaurant dialogue for ordering beverages:

Waiter/waitress: Ne içmek istersiniz? – “What would you like to drink?”

Customer: – Sadece su alayım. – “Let me just get water.”

                  – Bir kadeh kırmızı şarap rica edeyim. – “I’d like a glass of red wine, please.”

                  – Çocuklar için portakal suyu lütfen. – “Orange juice for the children, please.”


3. Requesting additional sauces/ingredients and utensils 

Let’s take a look at other basic Turkish phrases restaurant customers can refer to:  

Birkaç tane daha peçete alabilir miyim? – “Can I have a few more napkins?”

Çatalımı düşürdüm. Bir tane daha alabilir miyim? – “I dropped my fork. Can I have another one?”

Ketçap ve mayonez de getirebilir misiniz? – “Can you also bring ketchup and mayonnaise?”

Kahve için biraz daha süt alabilir miyiz lütfen? – “Can we have some more milk for the coffee please?”

4. Providing feedback  

Would you like to know how you can give feedback while you are still at the table? Here you go:

Bu bardak kirli; değiştirebilir misiniz? – “This glass is dirty; can you change it?”

Çorba çok tuzluydu. – “The soup was too salty.”

Yemek çok lezzetliydi. – “Food was very delicious.”

Ben bunu sipariş etmedim. – “I didn’t order this.”

Biz bundan 3 tane sipariş ettik; iki değil. – “We ordered three of these, not two.”

Complaining About Food!

5. Other information  

Pardon, sigara içilen kısım nerede? – “Sorry, where is the smoking area?”

Pardon. tuvalet nerede acaba? – “Excuse me, where is the restroom?”

5. After Dining 

Your meal is over, and I am sure you still have some questions. “Is it okay to ask for a doggy bag? How can I pay? How much of a tip do I need to give?”

In Turkey, it has recently started getting popular to ask for a doggy bag. However, it’s still not acceptable to ask for a box if you are at a luxurious restaurant.

As for tipping, in Turkey, there is nothing set in stone for the percentage. You can leave as much as you want. Giving around 10% of the bill as a tip has recently become popular.


Furthermore, tipping with a credit card is still not a common behavior in Turkey.

Note the following phrases:

Kalanı paket yapabilir misiniz? – “Can you put the rest in a box?”

Hesap lütfen. – “Bill, please.”

Hesabı alabilir miyiz lütfen? –  Could we get the bill, please?

Ayrı ayrı ödeyebilir miyiz?  –   “Can we pay separately?”

Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz? – “Do you accept credit cards?”

Üstü kalsın. – “Keep the change.”

Kasada ödeyebilir miyiz? – “Can we pay at the register?”

Bahşiş kutusu var mı? – “Is there a tip box?”  

6. Compliments and Complaints 

We hope you had an enjoyable and unforgettable dining experience. If that is the case, you can show your appreciation not only with a big tip but also with a sincere compliment. How? Here you go:

Her şey çok güzeldi, teşekkürler. – “Everything was great, thank you.”

Hızlı ve iyi servis için teşekkürler. – “Thanks for the fast and good service.”

Yemekler harikaydı, çok beğendik. – “The food was great, we loved it.”

Şefe teşekkürlerimizi iletin. – “Give our thanks to the chef.”

We hope not, but if you had a bad experience, that also has to be shared with a positive attitude. Here is how you can tell your dissatisfaction:

Servisten hiç memnun kalmadık. Müdürle konuşmak istiyorum. – “We were not satisfied with the service at all. I’d like to speak with the manager.”

Yemeklerden hiç memnun kalmadık. Müdürle konuşmak istiyorum. – “We were not satisfied with the food at all. I’d like to speak with the manager.”

7. All About Turkish 

In this article, you learned some Turkish restaurant vocabulary/phrases and how to order food in Turkish. However, there is a lot more to know!

Therefore, visit TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and free resources including the dictionary you can refer to, in order to get a better grasp of the Turkish language and the culture.

Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.

Do you know what is also good about it? You can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not the least; please continue to provide us feedback about all the resources provided at TurkishClass101!

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Basic Turkish Conversation Starters Guide


It’s usually difficult to start a conversation no matter where you are and whom you are talking to. If you are speaking to someone you don’t know, this gets even more complicated. One step beyond that is starting a new conversation in a foreign language. Can you imagine trying to start a conversation with a stranger in another language? You might feel like you are at a dead end! Trust me; it’s not as scary as you might think, especially if you get certain tips from a native speaker.

I’m here to provide you with some examples of basic Turkish conversation starters you can use in different situations, as the sentences and questions you will use to start a conversation will differ depending on whether you are talking to someone you know or don’t know or where the conversation takes place.

Once you pull the other party into the conversation or find a common interest, then you can take the communication one step further; you get to know the other party more, socialize more, and deepen your relationships.

Afterward, you can start telling an anecdote or talking about memories, good or bad experiences, and making recommendations and compliments.

However, there are a few factors you need to take into consideration when using conversation starters. The first and the most important one is to avoid sensitive topics such as religion, race, and politics, especially when interacting with people you don’t know. Make sure not to offend anybody. The second one is to avoid “yes” and “no” questions as much as possible. If the person you are talking to is shy or not talkative, the conversation might end suddenly, and all your efforts might come to nothing. Last but not least, make sure to use your body language correctly. Don’t forget that body language is a strong tool to express or emphasize your feelings. A friendly smile might change everything.

[There is an article about “Body gestures”, which has not been posted yet at TurkishClas101. It can be referenced when it’s posted.]

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Starting a Conversation with New People
  2. Starting a Conversation with People We Know
  3. Conversation Starters for a First Date
  4. Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email
  5. Turkish Conversation Starter Practice with TurkishClass101!

1.   Starting a Conversation with New People

I believe the best way to interact with people you don’t know is to ask for information or help. Let’s learn conversation starters in Turkish that you can use when you meet Turkish speaking people in different environments.

A- Conversation Starters at a New School

The first days at a new school are usually tough and stressful if you don’t know anyone around you. You need to relax because most probably you are not alone!

Actually, all you need to do is to pluck up the courage and set your eyes on someone who looks friendly and try to start a conversation by using the following Turkish conversation starter examples:

Merhaba. Benim adım John. Ben okula yeni başladım. Senin adın ne?Hello. My name is John. I’ve just started school. What’s your name?
Bu sandalye boş mu? Oturabilir miyim? (*)Is this chair available? May I sit?
Kaçıncı sınıfa gidiyorsun?Which grade are you going to?
Affedersiniz, okulda yeniyim. Kütüphane nerede?Excuse me, I’m new at school. Where is the library?

(*): This is a yes/no question, but once you get the answer “yes” and sit next to the person you want to talk to, you will have a chance to make a friend.

May I Sit Here

B- Conversation Starters at a New Job

Business settings are more formal; therefore, people might feel tense during their first days at work. If you are a foreigner, you might be over cautious not to make a mistake and a bad first impression. However, working towards the same vision and mission might make the situation a little easier.

It might be a good idea to learn about Turkish business etiquette in advance to feel more comfortable in your professional relationships with others.

The weather and traffic are popular ice-breakers in Turkish. However, the following basic Turkish phrases will also give you more ideas to make small talk at work:

Merhaba. Benim adım Mary. Bugün benim ilk iş günüm. Sizin adınız ne?Hello. My name is Mary. Today is my first day at work. What’s your name?
Hangi departmanda çalışıyorsunuz?Which department are you working at?
Ne kadar zamandır burada çalışıyorsunuz?How long have you been working here?
Affedersiniz, ben yeniyim. Kayboldum. Kafeteryanın yerini tarif edebilir misiniz?Excuse me, I’m new. I’m lost. Can you please tell me where the cafeteria is?


C- Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing

If you are at a social gathering, you should have fun and enjoy every moment you are there. Don’t make a fuss about meeting new people. Take it easy, you can make small talk about simple things. Nobody is expecting you to talk about nuclear weapons, genetics, or any other serious topics. Don’t forget that others are also there to have a good time and relax!


Below are some questions on how to start a conversation in Turkish that you can use when you want to socialize:

Ev sahibini nereden tanıyorsunuz?How do you know the host?
Yediğiniz/içtiğiniz şey nedir? Güzel görünüyorWhat is it that you are eating/drinking? That looks good.
Çok trafik vardı. Buraya kolay gelebildiniz mi?There was a lot of traffic. Did you get here easily?
Ben biraz yiyecek alacağım. Bir şeye ihtiyacınız var mı?I’m going to get some food. Do you need anything?

2.   Starting a Conversation with People We Know

It’s easier to start a conversation with the people you know because at least you have a clue about who they are or what they do.

A- Conversation Starters at School

You can talk about school, classes, or just chit-chat if you already know the person you are talking to. Here are some ideas for you:

Şimdi hangi dersin var?Which lesson do you have now?
Sabah hava çok yağmurlu idi. Buraya iki saatte ancak gelebildim. Senin buraya gelmen ne kadar sürdü?It was very rainy in the morning. I was able to get here in two hours. How long did it take for you to get here?
Öğle yemeğinde sana katılabilir miyim?May I join you for lunch?

B-  Conversation Starters at Work

Starting a conversation with a colleague you know requires less effort. The topics you talk about will depend on how close you are, or if you want to be with this person. If you are distant from him/her, you can pick work-related subjects. If you are closer or want to be closer, you can talk about things other than work. Below are some Turkish conversation starter examples:

Proje için yardıma ihtiyacın var mı?Do you need help with the project?
İş çıkışı bir şeyler yapalım mı?Shall we do something after work?
Haftasonu ne yaptın?What did you do on the weekend?
Öğle yemeğini genellikle nerede yiyorsun?Where do you usually have your lunch?

C-  Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing

Mingling and socializing with the people you know should be a good opportunity to get to know them better. The following questions might give you an idea of what to ask.

Yaz tatilinde nereye gittin?Where did you go on summer vacation?
Son görüşmemizden bu yana neler yaptın?What have you done since the last time we had met?
Yeni işin nasıl gidiyor?How’s your new job going?

3.   Conversation Starters for a First Date

Are you going on a date with someone for the first time? How exciting! This is a great opportunity for you to get to know them, their lifestyle, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. However, you should stay calm and try to be natural. You know, however, that there is a possibility of not knowing what to say next!

You can start by complimenting his/her appearance. Don’t forget that you are walking a fine line between sincerity and being disingenuous. Don’t give fake compliments, and don’t exaggerate! Remember the fact that the tone, mimics, and gestures you use when complimenting really matter!

You might want to take a look at our Turkish compliments article.

First Date

Here are some compliments and basic Turkish conversation starters you can use on your first date:

Çok güzel görünüyorsun.You look very beautiful.
Çok şıksın.You are very chic.
Nerede büyüdün?Where did you grow up?
En sevdiğin renk/film/yemek ne?What’s your favorite color/movie/food?
En sevdiğin şarkıcı/aktör/aktris kim?Who’s your favorite singer/actor/actress?
Boş zamanlarında ne yaparsın?What do you do in your spare time?

You can go into more personal questions if you think you are a good match with him/her.

Bookmark this link for Turkish love phrases. Who knows, maybe you will need it after your first date!

4.   Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email

It’s always good to reconnect with an old friend. As long as you are direct and show a willingness to catch up, you can start where you left off. Try some of these sincere phrases:

Epeydir görüşemedik. Haftasonu buluşalım mı?We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Shall we meet at the weekend?
Görüşmeyeli neler oldu neler. En kısa zamanda görüşelim.A lot of things have happened during the time we have not seen each other. Let’s meet as soon as possible.
Seni çok özledim. Bir an önce buluşalım artık.I missed you very much. Let’s meet soon.
Sana mutlaka anlatmam gereken bir şey var. Yarın buluşalım mı?There’s something I must tell you. Shall we meet tomorrow?

Reconnect with a Friend

5.   Turkish Conversation Starter Practice with TurkishClass101!

Dear Turkish language learners, you have learned the basic Turkish conversation starters, and you now know how to start a conversation in Turkish. From now on, it will be easier for you to meet Turkish native speakers and keep your conversations going with your friends, colleagues, etc.

If you need more Turkish conversation starter examples and want to improve your Turkish language learning skills, then you should visit TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and free resources, including the dictionary you can refer to.

Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.

Do you know what is also good about it? You can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not the least, please continue to provide us feedback about all the resources we have to offer you at TurkishClass101!

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Sound Like a Native with Advanced Turkish Phrases


Turkish learners who have completed the intermediate level, may I have your attention please? You have accomplished quite a bit by finishing this level—congratulations! But are you ready to step up and take your language skills to the next level? If so, then learning advanced Turkish expressions and phrases will be a great way to start adding flavor to your speech and writing. In this article, you’ll have the opportunity to learn over 40 advanced Turkish expressions and phrases, including idioms and proverbs.

This article will not only help you to communicate effectively with native speakers in your daily life but also help you to boost your level of communication at work or in other business relationships. Furthermore, it will be helpful in the academic arena if you are working in the academic industry or attending a school in Turkey.  

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Make Your Academic Writing Shine
  2. Stand out with Your Resume and Cover Letter
  3. Impress Your Colleagues at Business Meetings
  4. Get Ahead with Advanced Idioms, Sayings and Proverbs
  5. Set the Bar High with TurkishClass101

1. Make Your Academic Writing Shine

Academic writing requires certain technicality and formality you need to adhere to even if you are writing in your own native language. Articulating your ideas powerfully is critical in writing essays, so make sure to use the following advanced Turkish words and phrases if you want your academic writing in Turkish to shine.

Academic Writing


If you can capture the attention of the readers right at the very beginning, your article will not get lost in the shuffle.

Consider using the Turkish advanced expression and phrases below to get the attention your article deserves:

İlk olarakİlk olarak tezimin amacını belirtmek isterim.
First of allFirst of all, I would like to state the purpose of my thesis.

Genel olarakGenel olarak bu kavram dünyanın birçok ülkesinde kabul görmüştür.
In generalIn general, this concept has been accepted in many countries around the  world.


Pay attention to your flow after the introduction and make sure to maintain the integrity. Make sure that your arguments, examples, comparisons, etc. are clearly expressed. The following advanced Turkish phrases will help you to stay on track.

BenceBence bu örnek savımın doğruluğunu kanıtlıyor.
In my opinionIn my opinion, this example proves the correctness of my argument.

Benim bakış açıma göreBenim bakış açıma göre, bu veriler sonucu değiştirmez. 
From my point of viewFrom my point of view, these data do not change the result.

Buna ilavetenBuna ilaveten, yaptığım başka bir araştırmayı da paylaşmak istiyorum.
In addition to thisIn addition to this, I would like to share another research study that I have done.

Diğer bir deyişleDiğer bir deyişle, teori ile Pratik farklıdır.
In other wordsIn other words, theory and practice are different.

Tahmin edildiği üzereTahmin edildiği üzere, bu deney sadece 20-30 yaş aralığı üzerinde yapılmıştır.
As projectedAs projected, this experiment was only performed on the 20–30 age range.


Wrapping up your ideas and arguments effectively will help the readers to understand your final statement easily. Therefore, use the following advanced Turkish phrases to make sure to get your ideas across.

Özetlemek gerekirseÖzetlemek gerekirse, yukarıda belirtilen tüm faktörler hipotezimin doğruluğunu desteklemektedir.
To sum upTo sum up, all the factors mentioned above support the correctness of my hypothesis.

Sonuç olarakSonuç olarak, genç nüfus listelenen tüm koşulları kabullenmektedir.
As a resultAs a result, the young population accepts all the conditions that are listed.

2. Stand out with Your Resume and Cover Letter

You might be very talented, experienced, and a perfect fit for the job you are applying for. However, if you do not reflect all of these on your resume or if you don’t use the right keywords on your cover letter, guess what, someone else gets the job! This is not the case when you apply for a job in a foreign language; you can face the same problem even in your own native language.


Therefore, it might be a good idea to note the following advanced Turkish words and phrases you can use when writing your resume and a cover letter for a job you are interested in.

Hedef odaklı5 yıllık tecrübeye sahip, hedef odaklı bir mühendisim.
Goal-drivenI am a goal-driven engineer with 5 years of experience.

Sonuç odaklıSonuç odaklı bir yöneticiyim.
Result orientedI am a result oriented manager.

Detaylara önem verenDetaylara önem veren ama bütünü de görebilen biriyim.
Detail orientedI am detail oriented but can also see the whole picture.

Hedeflere ulaşmakHedeflerime ulaşmak her zaman benim için öncelikli olmuştur.
To reach goalsReaching my goals has always been a priority for me.

Yönetim tecrübesiYönetim tecrübem de var.
Management experienceI also have management experience.

En yüksek standartları karşılamakHer zaman en yüksek standartları karşılamak için elimden gelenin en iyisini yaparım.
To meet the highest standardsI always do my best to meet the highest standards.

İletişim becerileriİletişim becerilerimi geliştirmek için xxxx seminerine katıldım.
Communication skillsI attended the xxxx seminar to improve my communication skills.

3. Impress Your Colleagues at Business Meetings

Business meetings are different from social gatherings. You must look confident not only with your posture and attitude but also with your words; you must build up trust and sound like you know what you are talking about.

Business Meeting

The following advanced Turkish words and phrases will help you to be more confident in business meetings held in Turkish and you will be able to impress your Turkish colleagues:

Bugünkü toplantının gündemiBugünkü toplantının gündemi, projenin bütçesinin revizyonu ile ilgilidir.
The agenda of today’s meetingThe agenda of today’s meeting concerns the revision of the project’s budget.

Son teslim tarihiProjenin son teslim tarihinin 1 Eylül olduğunu hatırlatmak isterim.
DeadlineI would like to remind you that the deadline of the project is September 1st.

Bir strateji belirlemekSatışları arttırmak için bir strateji belirlemek gerekir.
To set/determine a strategyIt is necessary to determine a strategy to increase sales.

Yol haritası çıkarmakYol haritamızı çıkarmalıyız.
To make a roadmapWe have to make our roadmap.

Beyin fırtınası yapmakİşe beyin fırtınası yaparak başlayalım.
To brainstormLet’s start by brainstorming.

Görev paylaşımı yapmakBugün görev paylaşımını tamamlamalıyız.
To share tasksWe must complete sharing tasks today.

Lansman yapmakÜrünün lansmanını önümüzdeki ay mutlaka yapmalıyız.
To make a launchWe should definitely launch the product next month.

Bütçe ayırmakEk işler için de bütçe ayırmalıyız.
Allocate a budgetWe should also allocate a budget for additional work.

Ekip/Takım çalışmasıBu projeyi ancak ekip çalışması ile bitirebiliriz.
TeamworkWe can only finish this project with teamwork.

Avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirmekKarar vermeden önce avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirmeliyiz.
To evaluate/consider the advantages and disadvantagesBefore making a decision, we should consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Just a reminder, there’s a concept called “Plaza language/Turkish.” International or multi-national corporations are usually located in high-rise office buildings, which are called Plaza in Turkish. The majority of the employees in these corporations speak English. In meetings and everyday business conversations, employees usually use the following English words as is:

 “feedback, brainstorming, know-how, mobbing,” etc. Furthermore, you can hear phrases that are half Turkish and half English in these offices.

Example: Print almak – to print

Confirm etmek – to confirm

CC’lemek – to CC

Schedule etmek – to schedule

4. Get Ahead with Advanced Idioms, Sayings and Proverbs

Learning advanced Turkish conversation phrases or Turkish advanced words for tourists will definitely improve your communication. However, you also need to be prepared to hear a lot of idioms, sayings, and proverbs in Turkish. If you are not familiar with them, they will not mean anything to you. You will probably attempt to translate them word for word, but you will end up with strange phrases that don’t make any sense. Therefore, I recommend that you start learning the phrases mentioned here.


Expressions used on special occasions

Don’t panic if there is a special occasion and you don’t know what to say to a Turkish person about it. Here are some life-saving Turkish phrases used at special events, good or bad, happy or sad.

İyi ki doğdunİyi ki doğdun arkadaşım.
Happy Birthday
Literally: Fortunately, you were born.
Happy Birthday, my friend.

Afiyet olsunAfiyet olsun!
Enjoy your meal
Literally: May it be healthy!
Enjoy your meal!

Geçmiş olsunGeçmiş olsun, hasta olduğunu duydum.
Get well
Literally: May it pass
Get well, I heard that you were sick.

Mutlu yıllarMutlu yıllar!
Happy New Year
Literally: Happy years
Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Allah analı babalı büyütsünÇok güzel bir bebek, Allah analı babalı büyütsün.
 This is used for newborn babies.
Literally: May God let him/her grow up with both a mom and a dad.
Very beautiful baby, may God let him/her grow up with both a mom and a dad.

Nazar değmesinNazar değmesin, kızınız çok akıllı.  
Literally: May you/something not be touched by the evil eyeMay she not be touched by the evil eye, your daughter is very smart.

Çok yaşa  Çok yaşa!
It’s used when someone sneezes. Means bless you
Literally: Live long
Bless you!

Başınız sağolsunBaşınız sağolsun, çok üzüldüm.
It’s used when someone dies. Means condolences
Literally: May your head be live
Condolences, I’m so sorry.

Sıhhatler olsunSıhhatler olsun
It is used after a shower.
Literally: May it bring health
May it bring health


Using and understanding proverbs correctly is a sign that you are an advanced Turkish learner, but it’s also an indication that you have started getting to know core values and traditions of Turkey as well because proverbs give you insight about the culture of a country.

Here are a few that will get you started. Click here if you are interested in learning more Turkish proverbs.

Gülme komşuna gelir başına
It means that, if you criticize someone for something, the same thing may happen to you and you may be criticized as well.
Literally: Don’t laugh at your neighbor, it happens to you.  

Damlaya damlaya göl olur.
Many small make a great.
Literally: Drop by drop becomes a lake.

Eşeğe altın semer de vursan eşek yine eşektir
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.
Literally: Even if you saddle a donkey with a golden saddle, the donkey is still a donkey.

Doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar
All truth is not always to be told.
Literally: They expel the one who tells the truth from nine villages. 

Zararın neresinden dönersen kardır
It is never too late to mend.
Literally: Where you come back from the loss is profit.

Görünen köy kılavuz istemez
When something is obvious, it’s not necessary for someone to make an explanation about it.
Literally: One does not need a guide when the village is in sight.

Set the Bar High with TurkishClass101

You have learned around 40 advanced Turkish words and phrases with the help of this article. Explore more Turkish advanced expression and phrases with TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and free resources including the dictionary you can benefit from.

Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.

Do you know what else is good about it? You can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not the least; please continue to provide us feedback about all the resources provided at TurkishClass101!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish

The Most Useful Intermediate Turkish Phrases


Congratulations on completing the beginner level! 

As you prepare to continue your Turkish learning journey at the intermediate level, you may be worried about the new challenges and difficulties you’ll need to face. The good news is that learning and practicing the intermediate Turkish phrases listed in this article will take you a long way. Furthermore, you can rely on to help fill in the gaps and get you leveled up in no time. 

In this article, we will introduce you to about 30 useful Turkish phrases for intermediate learners. These are phrases that you can use in a variety of circumstances: 

  • Talking about your memories
  • Telling others your plans
  • Giving justifications
  • Making recommendations and complaints
  • Expressing yourself in daily conversations
  • Being polite in social and business settings

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your Turkish. Learn these intermediate Turkish phrases today, and start off the next phase of your learning journey on the right foot!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Memories and Past Events
  2. Making and Changing Plans
  3. Giving Justification
  4. Recommend, Praise, and Complain
  5. Daily Conversations
  6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
  7. Practice Intermediate Turkish Phrases with TurkishClass101

1. Memories and Past Events

Anecdotes and memories are definitely good conversation builders. Sharing your past experiences with someone will also help the other person get to know you better. And that will surely take the relationship one step—maybe even a couple of steps—further.

Several Black-and-White Photographs

At the beginner level, you became familiar with the present tense. Now, it’s time to get some exposure to the past tense so that you can talk about a wider range of topics. 

    ➜ Need a refresher? You can read our blog post about tenses in Turkish for some useful information. 

Here are a few Turkish phrases for intermediate learners that will help you talk about past events and have deeper conversations:

Haftasonu partide çok eğlendik.We had a lot of fun at the party over the weekend.
O an kendimi çok kötü hissettim.I felt very bad at that moment.
Küçük bir evim vardı ama sattım.I had a small house, but I sold it.
Köpeğimin öldüğü gün hayatımın en kötü günüydü.The day my dog died was the worst day of my life.
Eskiden buz pateni yapardım.I used to ice skate.
Gençken çok zayıftım.I was very thin when I was young.
Kızımın doğduğu gün hayatımın en mutlu günüydü.The day my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life.

2. Making and Changing Plans

As you socialize more and deepen your relationships with the Turkish people around you, the need to make plans will arise. In this section, we’ll show you several Turkish phrases for intermediate-level learners that you can use when making, changing, or discussing plans. Feel free to adjust them for your needs.

Changing Plans

Bu haftasonu müsait misin?Are you available this weekend?
Bu akşamki konsere gidelim mi?Shall we go to the concert tonight?

Literally: Can we go to the concert that is tonight?
Toplantıyı yarın öğleden sonraya erteleyebilir miyiz?Can we postpone the meeting to tomorrow afternoon?
Partiyi iptal etmek zorunda kaldım.I had to cancel the party.
Partiye kız/erkek arkadaşımla gelebilir miyim?Can I come to the party with my girlfriend/boyfriend?
Bu uçuş ertelendi.This flight has been delayed.

Literally: This flight has been postponed.
Cumartesi sinemaya gideceğiz, değil mi?We’re going to go to the movies on Saturday, aren’t we?

3. Giving Justification

Explaining what you’ve done or what you’ll be doing might be simple for you at this stage. However, you must learn how to give the reasons behind your behavior, beliefs, plans, or goals, as this will allow you to communicate and express yourself more effectively. Once you pick up a few Turkish conjunction words, you’ll find that giving reasons is not that difficult.

Below are some intermediate Turkish phrases that will help you make your points more clear.

Toplantıya katılamadım çünkü hastalandım.I couldn’t join the meeting because I got sick.
Arabam bozulduğu için geç kaldım.I’m late because my car broke down.

Literally: I was late because my car broke down.
Sana iki nedenden dolayı katılmıyorum.
Birincisi, bana verdiğin süre çok kısa.
İkincisi, bu bütçe yeterli değil.
I don’t agree with you due to two reasons.
Firstly, the time you gave me is short.
Secondly, this budget isn’t sufficient.
Bana doğruyu söylemedin. O yüzden sana kızgınım.You didn’t tell me the truth. That’s why I’m angry with you.
Bana haksızlık etmeseydin sana bu kadar kızmazdım.I wouldn’t be so mad at you if you hadn’t been unfair to me.
O özür diledi, böylece tekrar görüşmeye başladık.(S)he apologized, so we started seeing each other again.
Uyuya kalmışım. O nedenle gelemedim.I fell asleep. That’s why I couldn’t come.

4. Recommend, Praise, and Complain

Sharing your experiences, both good and bad, indicates sincerity in your personal interactions. Your remarks, recommendations, compliments, and complaints can also lead people to make better choices. Therefore, learning how to build sentences for these purposes will be very useful! 

Take a look at the sample intermediate Turkish phrases below, and start sharing your opinions and recommendations with native Turkish speakers.

O otel çok temiz; kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.That hotel is very clean; I definitely recommend it.
Bu kullandığım en iyi makyaj temizleyici; mutlaka denemelisin.This is the best makeup remover I’ve ever used; you must try it.
O marka çok kötü; kesinlikle tavsiye etmem.That brand is very bad; I would definitely not recommend it.
Müzik alanında çok yeteneklisin, tebrik ederim.You are very talented in music, congratulations.

Literally: You are talented in the area of music, congratulations.
Bu ödülü en çok sen hakettin.You deserved this award the most.
Bana bu şekilde davranmamalıydın.You shouldn’t have treated me like that.
Sizi polise şikayet edeceğim.I will report you to the police.

Five Hands Giving the Thumbs-up Sign

5. Daily Conversations

I’m sure you learned many simple sentences for carrying out daily conversations at the beginner level. How about adding more flavor to what you already know? Enrich your everyday conversations with the following Turkish phrases for intermediate learners:

Bu çok güzel bir haber.This is very good news.
Gelebildiğine çok sevindim.I’m very glad that you were able to come.
Şaka mı yapıyorsun?Are you kidding me?
Gerçekten mi?Really?
Allah korusun!God forbid!

Literally: May God protect!
Umarım!I hope so!

Literally: I hope!
Geçmiş olsun, acil şifalar dilerim.Get well soon; I wish you a quick recovery.

Literally: May it pass; I wish you urgent recoveries.

Two Women Having a Conversation in a Coffee Shop

6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings

Customs and traditions differ from country to country. Knowing the cultural etiquette of Turkey will make your interactions more comfortable in both social and professional contexts.

    ➜ A great place to start learning about Turkish culture is in this blog article from

Since business settings are more formal, foreigners are usually afraid of making mistakes. Some people might cut the conversation short to avoid saying something wrong or accidentally offending someone.

Business Setting

Here are some useful intermediate Turkish phrasesthat you can use confidently to have kind, good, and respectful communicationwith Turkish people in both social and professional settings.

Afiyet olsun.Bon appetit.
İyi yolculuklar.Have a nice trip.
Nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?How can I help you?
Benim için bir zevkti.It was a pleasure for me.
Rahatsız ettiysem özür dilerim.I apologize if I bothered you.
Bir şeye ihtiyacınız var mı?Do you need anything?
Şerefe! (only used when drinking alcoholic beverages)Cheers!

Literally: To honor!

7. Practice Intermediate Turkish Phrases with TurkishClass101

This article introduced you to many Turkish phrases for intermediate-level learners. However, there are many more words, phrases, expressions, and grammar points to explore. 

TurkishClass101 makes it easy to learn Turkish online, level up your skills, and start speaking right away. We provide an array of audio recordings, vocabulary lists, and free resources (including this Turkish-English dictionary). What’s more, you can download the app for free and learn Turkish wherever you are.

Don’t forget that there is also our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher; with MyTeacher, you can learn and practice with a private teacher while receiving real-time feedback.

Last but not least, please continue to provide us with feedback about all the resources we offer you at!

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The Most Useful Turkish Phrases for Beginners


If you’ve just started learning Turkish, you definitely need to focus on studying the basic grammar rules and picking up as much vocabulary as you can. Obviously, you won’t be able to learn all this overnight! And during this time, you might miss some opportunities or have a hard time getting help in an emergency.

Have I worried you? You can relax now. There is a practical way to prepare for daily conversations, emergencies, and other situations while learning grammar along the way: memorizing standard Turkish phrases for beginners.

In this article, I will teach you phrases you can use to greet people, introduce yourself, order food, go shopping, and get help when you need it. These expressions and patterns will help tide you over until you have a good command of Turkish grammar.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Greetings, Self-introductions, and Goodbyes
  2. Courtesy Phrases
  3. Dining & Shopping Phrases
  4. Asking for Help in Case of Emergencies
  5. Other Useful Phrases
  6. Practice Beginner Phrases with TurkishClass101

1. Greetings, Self-introductions, and Goodbyes

These three components of conversation are essential in building a connection with others. They’re the keys to easier and more effective communication; they can open the door to new relationships, whether that be a friendship, a business partnership, or a romantic relationship. 

Don’t wait. Start impressing the Turkish people around you by using the following beginner Turkish phrases for greetings, self-introductions, and goodbyes.

A Woman Looking Up from Her Phone to Wave Goodbye to Someone


A warm greeting makes a huge difference in one’s social life, especially if you’re in a foreign country. Believe me; you can win a Turkish person’s heart with a sincere Merhaba! (“Hello!”). I’m sure they will appreciate the fact that you took the time to learn that word in Turkish.

Now, knowing all this, are you ready to learn some greeting words in Turkish and start building good relationships with the Turkish folks around you? 

Let’s begin, then!

Günaydın.Good morning.“Sunlit day.”
İyi günler.Good day.“Good days.”
Tünaydın.Good afternoon.“Sunlit night.”
İyi akşamlar.Good evening.“Good evenings.”
İyi geceler.Goodnight.“Good nights.”

To learn even more Turkish greetings, we recommend you visit our blog post on how to say hello in Turkish.


Introductions are an icebreaker of sorts. A self-introduction can also help you make a good first impression if you manage to get it just right. I believe that first impressions matter, and there’s no guarantee of a second chance if you’re not successful from the start. 

To improve your chances of hitting it off with native speakers, memorize and practice these useful Turkish phrases for beginners. 

Merhaba, ben Ed.Hello, I’m Ed.
Memnun oldum.I’m glad to meet you.“I was glad.”
Ben de.Me, too.
Nasılsınız?How are you?
İyiyim, teşekkür ederim, ya siz?I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Nerelisiniz?Where are you from?
Ben Amerikalıyım.I’m American.
Kaç yaşındasınız?How old are you?“How many ages are you in?”
Ben 25 yaşındayım.I’m 25 years old.“I’m in 25 age.”

You can also check out our article on how to introduce yourself in Turkish to learn additional phrases and patterns you could use.


Now that you’ve learned how to say “hello” and introduce yourself in Turkish, let’s see some beginner Turkish phrases for saying goodbye. After all, goodbyes are just as essential as hellos.

Hoşçakalın.Goodbye.“Stay nicely.”
Görüşürüz.See you.“We see each other.”
Kendinize iyi bakın.Take care of yourself.

Make sure to read our article titled How to Say Goodbye in Turkish to discover even more parting phrases for different situations. The article also talks about the gestures we use when saying goodbye in Turkey. Have fun!

2. Courtesy Phrases

Courtesy phrases also play an important role in social life. Different cultures might have different values, but there are still some common courtesy phrases that we use in order to have good, kind, healthy, and respectful interactions. Below are some beginner Turkish phrases you can use to be polite in different contexts. 

Teşekkür ederim.Thank you.
Bir şey değil.You’re welcome.“Not one thing.”
Rica ederim.You’re welcome.“I request.”
Problem/sorun değil.No problem.“Not a problem.”
İyi şanslar.Good luck.“Good lucks.”
Afedersiniz.Excuse me.“You would excuse.”
Üzgünüm.I’m sorry.

Two Japanese Businessmen Bowing to Each Other

3. Dining & Shopping Phrases

Dining and shopping are inevitable parts of our lives. As such, dear Turkish beginners, you’ll need to know some of the phrases below in order to do your shopping and put the old feedbag on! 


Turkey has a number of delicacies waiting for you, so you’d better hurry up and learn these simple Turkish phrases for beginners.

Karnım acıktı. / Ben açım.I’m hungry.“My abdomen got hungry.” / “I’m hungry.”
Karnım tok. / Ben tokum.I’m full.“My abdomen is full.” / “I’m full.”
Susadım.I’m thirsty.“I was thirsty.”
Menüyü görebilir miyim?May I see the menu?
Su alabilir miyim lütfen?May I have water, please?
Hesap lütfen!Bill, please!

Before going to the next topic, I should give you a tip. If you love different tastes, are into international cuisines, and want to find out more about Turkish food, don’t miss our article about Turkish cuisine! It will definitely help you plan each day’s menu while you’re in Turkey. Enjoy!

A Table Containing Plates of Different Delicacies


Shopping opportunities are everywhere! While in Turkey, you’ll need to know some basic Turkish phrases for shopping while visiting the malls, supermarkets, drugstores, ticket booths, you name it. Here are just a few phrases to get you started: 

Alışverişe gitmek istiyorum.  I want to go shopping.
Alışveriş merkezi nerede?Where is the mall?
Bu kaç beden?What size is this?
Bu ne kadar?How much is this?
Bu halı kaç para?How much is this carpet?
Kredi kartı ile ödeyebilir miyim?Can I pay by credit card?

A Couple Shopping at the Supermarket

4. Asking for Help in Case of Emergencies

Visiting a foreign country can be stressful if you’re not confident in your language abilities. To help relieve some of this stress, I’ve listed below several basic Turkish phrases for beginners that might just save your life in an emergency. I hope you never have to use these phrases, but don’t forget to jot them down—you never know what life will bring you! 

Someone Performing the Heimlich Maneuver on Someone Who Is Choking on an Apple

Bana yardım edin lütfen!Please help me!
Bana yardım edebilir misiniz? / Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?Can you help me?
Hastane nerede?Where is the hospital?
Benim çileğe alerjim var.I’m allergic to strawberries.I have allergy to strawberry. 
Yangın var.There is a fire.There is fire.
Ambulans çağırın.Call an ambulance.Call ambulance.
Polisi arayın.Call the police.Call police. 
Ben kayboldum; bana yardım edin lütfen!I’m lost; please help me!
Pasaportumu/cüzdanımı kaybettim. Ne yapmalıyım?I lost my passport/wallet. What should I do?

5. Other Useful Phrases

I’ve tried to include basic Turkish phrases for beginners for many different situations. However, there are many more! Asking for the time, getting directions, trying to find an English speaker…the list goes on. The phrases below are a good starting point for expanding your vocabulary, but you can also refer to the numerous resources on for a greater selection. 

Pardon?Excuse me?
İngilizce konuşuyor musunuz?Do you speak English?
Yavaş konuşabilir misiniz lütfen?Can you speak slowly, please?
Anlamadım.I didn’t understand.
Türkçe de “___” nasıl diyorsunuz?How do you say “___” in Turkish?
Pardon, Ayasofya’ya nasıl gidebilirim?Excuse me, how can I get to Hagia Sophia?
Saatiniz kaç?What time is it?
Literally: How many is your watch?

Our article on Turkish sentence patterns might also help you to begin expressing yourself and fulfilling your daily needs more easily. In addition, it will serve as a foundation upon which you can build a stronger knowledge of Turkish grammar. 

6. Practice Beginner Phrases with TurkishClass101

You now know quite a number of basic Turkish phrases for beginners. However, there are many more to explore. Learning Turkish is simple with TurkishClass101, which has numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and other free resources (including this dictionary you can refer to at any time).

Don’t forget that there’s also MyTeacher, which is a Premium PLUS service offered by TurkishClass101 that allows you to practice with a private teacher.

What’s more, you can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not least, please continue to provide us with feedback about all the resources we offer at

Happy learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish

Advanced Turkish Words Worth Learning


Have you completed the intermediate level in your Turkish studies? Would you like to continue improving your language skills in order to stand out and impress native speakers? 

Then you’ve hit the bullseye! You’re at the right address. 

In this article, we will introduce you to all of the essential advanced Turkish words you should know. This includes general vocabulary for everyday life, as well as words related to academia, business, the legal system, and medicine. At the end, we’ll also show you several words you can incorporate into your essays or writing tests to score higher. 

Learning these advanced Turkish vocabulary words will require more diligence and effort, but if you stay focused on the target, you’ll reap the fruits of your hard work.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Words for Everyday Life
  2. Advanced Academic Vocabulary
  3. Advanced Business Vocabulary
  4. Advanced Medical Vocabulary
  5. Advanced Legal Vocabulary
  6. Advanced Vocabulary for Essay Writing
  7. Raise the Bar with TurkishClass101

1. Advanced Words for Everyday Life

First, let’s look at advanced Turkish words you’ll find useful in your day-to-day interactions with native speakers. We have categorized these words based on part of speech and included an example sentence for each one. 


MadenTürkiye’nin en büyük altın madeni Kışladağ altın madenidir.
MineThe Kışladağ gold mine is the largest gold mine in Turkey.

KapşonKapşonunu geçir; dışarıda hava soğuk.
HoodPut your hood up; it’s cold outside.

MaddeMaddenin üç hali vardır: sıvı, gaz ve katı.
MatterMatter has three states: liquid, gas, and solid.

MazeretDersi kaçırdım ama geçerli bir mazeretim vardı.
ExcuseI missed the class, but I had a legitimate excuse.

CiddiyetHayatın ciddiyetini yeni fark etti.
Seriousness(S)he just realized the seriousness of life.

ÇareÖlümden başka her şeyin bir çaresi vardır.
RemedyThere is a remedy for everything except death.


CimriHenry çok cimri bir insandır.
StingyHenry is a very stingy person.

Art niyetliOndan uzak dur; o çok art niyetli biri.
MalevolentStay away from him/her; (s)he is a very malevolent person.

MarifetliO el işlerinde çok marifetlidir.
Skillful(S)he is very skillful with handicrafts.

MasumBence o masum; ben ona inanıyorum.
InnocentI think (s)he is innocent; I believe him/her.

SuçluO suçlu bulundu ve ceza aldı.
Guilty(S)he was found guilty and was sentenced.

Aç gözlüMary hep daha fazlasını ister; o çok aç gözlüdür.
GreedyMary always wants more; she is very greedy.


CesurcaTebrik ederim, cesurca her şeyi söyledin ona.
BravelyCongratulations, you bravely said everything to him/her.

CömertçeTüm parasını cömertçe ağlayan çocuğa verdi.
Generously(S)he gave all his/her money generously to the crying boy/girl.

Ciddi bir şekildeBu konuyu ciddi bir şekilde düşünmeni istiyorum.
SeriouslyI want you to think about this subject seriously.

Tam olarakTam olarak nerede olduğunu bilmek istiyorum.
ExactlyI want to know exactly where you are.


EleştirmekEleştir ama lütfen yapıcı ol.
To criticizeCriticize, but please be constructive.

FısıldamakKardeşim annemin duymasını istemediği için kulağıma yavaşça fısıldadı.
To whisperMy sibling whispered softly in my ear because (s)he didn’t want my mom to hear.

EşleştirmekAşağıdaki kelimeleri tanımları ile eşleştirin.
To matchMatch the words below with their definitions.

Tepki vermek/göstermekBu duruma aşırı tepki gösteriyorsun.
To reactYou are overreacting to this situation.

KarşılaştırmakBu iki tabloyu karşılaştırman gerek.
To compareYou need to compare these two tables.

KatlamakKazaklarını bavula koymadan önce katla lütfen.
To foldPlease fold your sweaters before you put them in the suitcase.

AşırmakMutfaktan bir tane kurabiye aşırdım.
To stealI stole a cookie from the kitchen.

FırlatmakTopu yukarı fırlattım ama pencereye çarptı.
To throwI threw the ball up, but it hit the window.

SarkmakKollarınızın omuzlarınızdan serbestçe sarkmasına izin verin.
To dangle fromLet your arms dangle freely from your shoulders.

2. Advanced Academic Vocabulary

Do you plan to attend university in Turkey? Then you’ll greatly benefit from learning these advanced Turkish words related to academia. These words will help you understand lectures, write essays, and perform well on tests. 


TezTezinizi yazarken net cümleler kullanın.
Thesis / PaperUse clear sentences when writing your thesis/paper.

MakaleMakale yazarken alıntılama kurallarına dikkat etmen gerekir.
ArticleWhen writing an article, you should pay attention to the rules of citation.

AraştırmaAraştırma konun nedir?
ResearchWhat is your research topic?

TaslakMakaleni yazmadan önce bir taslak oluşturmalısın.
OutlineBefore you write your article, you should create an outline.

AnketBu araştırma için on tane anket yaptım.
SurveyI did ten surveys for this research.

Kanıt / DelilTeorini ispatlamak için kanıt sunman gerekir.
EvidenceTo prove your theory, you have to provide evidence.

AlıntıLütfen alıntı kurallarına dikkat et.
CitationPlease pay attention to the citation rules.

VeriVerileri göndermeniz gerekiyor.
DataYou need to submit the data.

SunumAraştırmam ile ilgili bir sunum yapacağım.
Presentation  I will make a presentation about my research.

ProjeBitirme projemi yarın teslim etmem lazım.
ProjectI have to deliver my graduation project tomorrow.

TabloVerileri Excel tablosuna aktarmak gerekiyor.
TableIt is necessary to transfer the data to the Excel table.

SatırTablo 50 satırdan oluşmaktadır.
RowThe table consists of 50 rows.  

SütunTablo 50 sütundan oluşmaktadır.
ColumnThe table consists of 50 columns.  


GöstermekBu çalışmanın sonuçlarını göstermek gerek.
To demonstrateIt is necessary to demonstrate the results of this study.

İçermekBu dosya tüm verileri içermektedir.
To include / To involveThis file includes all the data.

Analiz etmekAnaliz etmeden sonuca varamazsın.
To analyzeYou can’t come to a conclusion without analyzing it.

ÇözmekBu soruyu çözmek için tam 20 dakika harcadım.
To solveI spent 20 minutes solving this question.

Deney yapmakDeney yapmak için laboratuvara gidiyorum.
To experimentI’m going to the lab to do an experiment.

SunmakYarın projemi sunacağım.   
To present  I will present my project tomorrow.

ÖlçmekTabloyu oluşturmak için önce malzemeleri ölçmek lazım.    
To measureIn order to create the table, we first need to measure the materials.

YorumlamakÖncelikle bu rakamları yorumlamak lazım.     
To interpretFirst of all, these numbers should be interpreted.

Kontrol etmekKendini kontrol etmeyi öğrenmelisin.
To controlYou have to learn to control yourself.

TartışmakBilim adamları bu konuyu kendi aralarında tartıştılar.
To discussScientists discussed this topic among themselves.

KanıtlamakO hipotezini kanıtladı.
To prove(S)he proved his hypothesis.

EtkinleştirmekŞifreni etkinleştirmeyi unutma!
To activateDon’t forget to activate your password.

A Wman in a Graduation Cap and Gown, Smiling and Holding a Diploma

3. Advanced Business Vocabulary

Impress your colleagues by using the following advanced Turkish vocabulary words related to the business world. 

Genel müdürlükGenel müdürlük başka bir yere taşındı.
HeadquartersThe headquarters moved to another location.

VizyonÇalıştığım şirket vizyonunu geliştiren bir şirket olduğu için çok şanslıyım.
VisionI’m very lucky that the company I work for is a company that enhances its vision.

MisyonBir şirketin vizyonu kadar misyonu da önemlidir.
MissionA company’s mission is as important as its vision.

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Image

StratejiPandemi dolayısıyla satış stratejimizi değiştirmemiz gerek.
StrategyBecause of the pandemic, we need to change our sales strategy.

KârBu yılki kâr marjımız %10 daha yüksek.   
ProfitOur profit margin is 10% higher this year.

YatırımBu yıl yatırımlarımızı artırmamız lazım.
InvestmentThis year, we need to increase our investments.

FonYeterince fonumuz yok.
FundWe don’t have enough funds.

MasrafSabit masraflarımızı düşürmemiz gerek.
ExpenseWe need to reduce our fixed costs.

MaliBu yıl mali açıdan güçlüyüz.
FinancialThis year, we are strong in terms of finances.

Faiz oranıFaiz oranları düştü.  
Interest rateInterest rates have dropped.

VarlıkAraçlar sabit varlık olarak kabul edilir.
AssetVehicles are considered fixed assets.

MalBu mallar için büyük bir depoya ihtiyacımız var.
Merchandise / GoodsWe need a large warehouse for these goods.

MalzemeMalzeme ihtiyaç listesi üzerinde çalışıyorum.
MaterialI am working on a material requirements list.

EnvanterYarın envanter sayımı yapılacak.
Inventory  There will be an inventory count tomorrow.

DepartmanSatınalma departmanında çalışıyorum.
DepartmentI work in the purchasing department.

MuhasebeBordro kesintilerinizi muhasebe departmanına sorabilirsiniz.
AccountingYou can tell the accounting department about your payroll deductions.

İnsan KaynaklarıÖzgeçmişinizi insan kaynakları departmanına gönderin.
Human ResourcesSend your CV to the human resources department.

SatışSatış hedeflerimizi belirledik.
SalesWe determined our sales goals.

Satın almaOnların merkezi bir satın alma departmanları var.
PurchasingThey have a central purchasing department.

SözleşmeYeni bir satış sözleşmesi yaptık.
ContractWe made a new sales contract.

4. Advanced Medical Vocabulary

Another set of important words in Turkish for advanced learners is medical vocabulary. Whether you plan to attend medical school in Turkey or happen to find yourself in the ER during your travels, knowing these words and terms will prove quite useful. 


Acil servis Baş ağrım beni öldürüyordu, bu yüzden acil servise gitmem gerekti.
Emergency roomMy headache was killing me, so I had to go to the emergency room.

Yoğun bakım Teyzem henüz yoğun bakımdan çıkmadı.
Intensive careMy aunt has not left intensive care yet.

Ameliyathane Ameliyat için beni ameliyathaneye götürmek üzereler.
Surgery roomThey are about to take me to the surgery room for the operation.

Tansiyon Tansiyonum yüksek; hemen hastaneye gitmem lazım.
Blood pressureMy blood pressure is high; I have to go to the hospital.

Alerji Baharda alerji belirtileri artıyor.
AllergyAllergy symptoms increase in the spring.

A Doctor Pointing to Something on a Clipboard that a Nurse Is Holding

Bağışıklık Bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutman gerek.
ImmunityYou need to keep your immune system strong.

Röntgen Acilen röntgen çektirmem gerekiyor.
X-rayI urgently need to get an X-ray.

Kalp krizi Arkadaşım yakın zaman içinde kalp krizi geçirdi.
Heart attackMy friend has recently had a heart attack.    

Kanser Amcam kanserden öldü.  
Cancer  My uncle died of cancer.

Ameliyat Ameliyat gayet başarılı geçti.
SurgeryThe surgery was very successful.

Anestezi Ameliyat genel anestezi ile yapıldı.
AnesthesiaThe surgery was carried out under general anesthesia.

Teşhis Sam’in teşhisinde çok geç kaldılar.
DiagnosisThey were too late for Sam’s diagnosis.

Travma Okulda çıkan yangının ardından öğrenciler travma tedavisi gördü.
TraumaThe students were treated for trauma after the fire at school.  

Yara Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde, yara kendi kendine iyileşti.
WoundTo my surprise, the wound healed itself.

Tedavi O kanser tedavisi görüyor.
Treatment(S)he is getting cancer treatment.

Reçete Doktor reçete yazdı mı?
PrescriptionHas the doctor written a prescription?

Yan etki Bu ilacın bilinen bir yan etkisi yoktur.
Side effectThis medicine has no known side effects.

  Aşı Corona aşısını uzun bir süre bekledik.
VaccineWe have waited for the Coronavirus vaccine for a long time.

  İğne Doktor başımın ağrısı için iğne yaptı.
InjectionThe doctor gave me an injection for my headache.


Bulaşıcı Corona bulaşıcı bir virüstür.
ContagiousThe Coronavirus is a contagious virus.

Steril Ameliyathaneler mutlaka steril olmalı.
SterileSurgery rooms must be absolutely sterile.

5. Advanced Legal Vocabulary

As you approach an advanced level in Turkish, you’ll benefit from picking up at least a few words related to the legal system. This will allow you to follow the news with greater ease, engage in more complex conversations, and even avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. Here’s the advanced legal vocabulary in Turkish you should start learning: 


HukukHukuk önünde herkes eşittir.
LawEveryone is equal before the law.

AdaletAdalete inanıyorum.
JusticeI believe in justice.

A Gavel, Some Thick Books, and a Scale

İnsan haklarıİnsan hakları hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyorlar.
Human rights  They know nothing about human rights.

AvukatBu konuda with avukata danışmam lazım.
LawyerI need to consult with a lawyer on this matter.

HâkimHâkim davayı erteledi.
JudgeThe judge adjourned the case.

NoterBu belgenin bir noter tarafından onaylanması gerekiyor.
NotaryThis document needs to be certified by a notary.

Tanık / ŞahitTanık hırsızın kaçtığını söyledi.
WitnessThe witness said the robber escaped.

MahkemeMahkemede çok heyecanlandım.
CourtI got very excited in court.

HapishaneHapishanede kavga çıktı.
Jail / PrisonA fight broke out in prison.

SabıkalıOnun bir sabıkalı olduğunu duyduğumda şok oldum.
CriminalI was shocked when I heard he was a criminal.

ŞüpheliŞüpheli polis koruması altındaydı.
SuspectThe suspect was under police protection.

DavaOnları dava açmakla tehdit ettim.
LawsuitI threatened to file a lawsuit against them.

DuruşmaAvukat duruşma sırasında kalp krizi geçirdi.
TrialThe lawyer had a heart attack during the trial.

SoruşturmaSoruşturma henüz bitmedi.
InvestigationThe investigation is not over yet.

Para cezasıHapis yerine para cezası aldı.
Fine(S)he got a fine rather than prison.


Kanuni / Yasal  Uyuşturucu kullanmak kanuni/yasal değildir.
Legal  It’s not legal to use drugs.


SavunmakAvukatım seni iyi savunacaktır.
To defendMy attorney will defend you well.

İhlal etmekTrafik kurallarını ihlal ettiği için para cezası aldı.
To violate(S)he was fined for violating traffic rules.

Beraat etmekArkadaşım nihayet suçsuz bulundu ve beraat etti.
To be acquittedMy friend was finally found not guilty and has been acquitted.

Teşhis etmekSonunda şüpheliyi teşhis edebildi.
To identifyFinally, (s)he was able to identify the suspect.

6. Advanced Vocabulary for Essay Writing

Are you attending school in Turkey? Then there are a few advanced Turkish words and phrases you should know in order to write better essays, score higher on exams, and impress your teachers. 


Önemli noktaKitabın önemli noktası ana karakterin psikolojisiydi.
HighlightThe highlight of the book was the main character’s psychology.

İçerikİçerik belirleme konu seçimi kadar önemlidir.
ContentContent determination is as important as topic selection.

UygulamaUygulama bazen teoriden daha önemlidir.
Practice / ApplicationPractice is sometimes more important than theory.

TerminolojiDoktorun dediklerinden hiçbir şey anlamadım; sürekli tıp terminolojisi kullanıyor.
TerminologyI did not understand anything the doctor said; he was constantly using medical terminology.


YüzeyselYüzeysel bir yaklaşımdan uzak durmalısın.
SuperficialYou should avoid a superficial approach.

AyrıntılıBunu daha ayrıntılı bir şekilde anlatmalısın.
DetailedYou should explain this in a more detailed way.

GerekliÖrneklerin verilmesi gereklidir.
NecessaryProviding examples is necessary. 

GeçerliBana geçerli bir neden söylemelisin.
ValidYou must tell me a valid reason.

GeçersizBu veriler geçersiz.
InvalidThis data is invalid.


İstikrarlı bir şekildeJack, öğretmeni onu uyardığından beri her gün istikrarlı bir şekilde okula zamanında geliyor.
ConsistentlyJack has been coming to school consistently on time every day ever since his teacher warned him.

KesinlikleSana kesinlikle katılıyorum.
DefinitelyI definitely agree with you.

TamamenBu durumda tamamen sen haklısın.
ExactlyIn this case, you are exactly right.


İfade etmekYanlış anlaşılmak istemiyorsan kendini daha iyi ifade etmelisin.
To expressIf you don’t want to be misunderstood, you should express yourself better.

YönlendirmekTüm çabalarınızı kitabınızı yazmaya yönlendirin.
To directDirect all your efforts into writing your book.

EtkilemekOkuyucuları etkilemek istiyorsan daha içten yazmalısın.
To impressIf you want to impress readers, you have to write more sincerely.

VurgulamakAna fikri daha çok vurgulamalısın.
To emphasizeYou should emphasize the main idea more.

AlgılamakBu sessizliği kabullenme olarak algılama.
To perceiveDon’t perceive this silence as acceptance.

KeşfetmekSenin nasıl bir hayal dünyan olduğunu keşfetmek istiyorum.
To exploreI want to explore what kind of a fantasy world you have.

Maruz kalmakNükleer santralde meydana gelen kaza nedeniyle çok sayıda kişi radyasyona maruz kaldı.
To be exposed toMany people were exposed to radiation because of the accident at the nuclear plant.

Ortaya çıkarmak  Tanık onun aradığı cevapları ortaya çıkardı.
To revealThe witness revealed the answers (s)he was looking for.

OnaylamakBu siparişi onaylıyorum.
To confirmI’m confirming this order.

Desteklemek  Bu fikrini destekleyecek argümanlar bulmalısın.
To supportYou need to find arguments to support this idea.

ReddetmekTeklifi neden reddettiğini bana hemen söylemelisin.
To rejectYou need to tell me right now why you rejected the offer.

Düzene sokmak/düzenlemek  Bütçemizi düzenlemek için elimizden gelenin en iyisini yapmalıyız.
To regulateWe must try our best to regulate our budget.

Essay Writing

KısıtlamakAslında o, onun faaliyetlerini kısıtlamak istemedi.
To restrictActually, (s)he didn’t mean to restrict his/her activities.

7. Raise the Bar with TurkishClass101

You now have easy access to a long list of advanced Turkish words in a variety of categories. Make sure to add the most relevant words to your flashcard deck and start practicing right away! 

You can learn even more advanced Turkish words at by making use of our vocabulary lists, free resources, and online Turkish dictionary. For 1-on-1 coaching and personalized assignments, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and take advantage of our MyTeacher service. 

Not sure where to start? We recommend checking out our advanced Turkish lesson series, which contains 25 lessons and assignments designed for advanced learners like yourself.  

What’s more, you can download the free app to learn Turkish wherever you are! 

Last but not least, please continue to provide us with feedback about all the resources provided at TurkishClass101

Happy learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish

Useful Turkish Phone Words and Phrases


When you first start learning a language, it can be hard enough having face-to-face conversations with native speakers. Can you imagine how challenging a phone conversation would be? During a phone call, we have no body language cues to fall back on—only our own language skills and the patience of our interlocutor. 

But listen up, Turkish learners: You no longer need to get tense when making or receiving a call in Turkish!

In this article, we’ll introduce you to Turkish phone terminology as well as several Turkish phone words and phrases to help you navigate your next phone call.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Phone-Related Vocabulary
  2. Making a Call
  3. Receiving a Call
  4. Phone/Connection Issues
  5. Sample Turkish Phone Conversations
  6. Discover More About Turkish with TurkishClass101

1. Phone-Related Vocabulary

Below, you’ll find some useful terms that will make your life easier next time you need to talk about phones or phone conversations in general. 

Cep telefonuCell phone / Mobile phone
Telefon numarasıPhone number
Şarj aletiCharger
Sms / MesajSMS
Arama / ÇağrıCall
Gelen aramaIncoming call
AramakTo call
ÇalmakTo ring
Mesaj bırakmakTo leave a message
Sesli mesaj bırakmakTo leave a voicemail
KapatmakTo hang up

2. Making a Call

Are you hesitant to make a call in Turkish? Are you worried you won’t be able to express yourself correctly? 

In this section, you’ll learn a variety of useful phrases for each part of a typical phone conversation in Turkish. To make sure you’re well-equipped for any type of phone call, we’ve included two sets of phrases for each part: formal and informal. 

Making a Call



In formal contexts, there are a few different ways of answering the phone in Turkish:

GünaydınGood morning
İyi günlerGood day
İyi akşamlarGood evening


When you’re making an informal call, you can start the conversation one of the following greeting words:


The word alo has no literal meaning and it’s only used in phone conversations. The only exception is when it’s used as a slang term, usually to draw someone’s attention if you think they haven’t heard you (or have pretended not to). Please note that it doesn’t sound too polite in this context. 

For more useful words and phrases related to introductions, please read our article Turkish Greetings: How to Introduce Yourself in Turkish

Providing more information


Now that you’ve greeted the person you called, it’s time to introduce yourself. Here are three ways you could give your name and state where you’re calling from: 

___ firmasından arıyorum.I’m calling from ___ company.
Ben ___ firmasından John.This is John from ___ company.
Ben ___ firmasının genel müdürü John Denning.This is the general manager of ___ company, John Denning.


In most cases, the receiver will be able to see your name or number come up on their cell phone screen. But if you have a private number or are using a landline, you may need to introduce yourself. Here are a few introductions in Turkish you could use during an informal call: 

Ben John.This is John. 
John ben.This is John. 
Ben Mary’nin arkadaşı John.This is Mary’s friend, John. If you’re calling a friend and someone else picks up the phone, you can introduce yourself this way.                          
Mary’nin arkadaşı John ben.This is Mary’s friend, John.

A Woman Talking via a Blue Handset

Stating your reason for calling / Making a request

Now, it’s time for you to tell the answering party why you’re calling or whom you’re trying to reach. 


These are common questions or requests you might have when calling a company, store, or business: 

Çalışma saatlerinizi öğrenebilir miyim?May I ask about your work hours?
Adresinizi sormak için aramıştım.I called to ask for your address.
Satın alma müdürünüzle görüşebilir miyim?May I speak to your Purchasing manager?
Finans departmanından biri ile görüşebilir miyim?Can I speak to someone from the Finance department?


Here are some informal Turkish phone phrases you can use to state your reason for calling or to ask for someone: 

Sinemaya gidelim mi diye sormak için aradım.I called to ask if we could go to the movies. 
Ali’nin numarasını soracaktım.I was going to ask Ali’s number. 
Mehmet ile konuşabilir miyim?Can I talk to Mehmet?If you’re calling a friend and one of their family members answers, you can ask for them using one of these phrases.
Mehmet evde mi?Is Mehmet at home?
Mehmet orada mı?Is Mehmet there?

Leaving a message

If you’re unable to reach the person you called, you can leave them a message as shown below.


Aradığımı söyleyebilir misiniz lütfen?Could you please tell him/her that I called?
Beni aratabilir misiniz lütfen?Could you please have him/her call me?


Beni aramasını söyler misin?Can you tell him/her to call me?
Notumu iletebilir misin lütfen?Can you pass on my note, please?

Concluding a call

Before you hang up, you should thank the receiver and tell them goodbye. 


Teşekkür ederim, iyi günler.Thank you, have a good day.
Teşekkürler, iyi akşamlar.Thanks, have a good evening.


Bay bay.Bye-bye.
Görüşürüz.See you.

If you’d like some more inspiration, we also have a free vocabulary list of the most common ways to say goodbye

3. Receiving a Call

Are you afraid of picking up the phone if a Turkish speaker calls? That’s quite understandable! 

Memorizing and practicing some of the Turkish phone words and phrases below will help you build confidence and enter any phone conversation better prepared.

Answering a call


Here are some formal greeting words you can use when picking up the phone: 

Buyurun.Yes, please.The word buyurun is used in many different contexts. It also means: “Welcome!” / “Here you go!” / “Have a seat!” / etc.
___ firması, nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?___ firm, how may I help you? 
Günaydın.Good morning. 
İyi günler.Good day. 
İyi akşamlar.Good evening. 



Asking for information

If you need to get some info from the caller, the following Turkish phone phrases will help you ask the relevant questions and get the info you’re after.


Kiminle görüşüyorum?With whom am I speaking?
Kimsiniz?Who is this?
Nereden arıyorsunuz?Where are you calling from?
Hangi firmadan arıyorsunuz?Which company are you calling from?


Kim arıyor diyeyim?Whom should I say is calling?

Checking availability / Transferring a call

Here are some phrases you can use if the caller asks to speak to someone:


Lütfen hatta kalın.Please stay on the line.
Aktarıyorum.I’m transferring.

Waiting to be Transferred


Bir saniye, bakayım.One second, let me check.
Veriyorum.I’m putting him/her on the phone.

Taking a message

Of course, the person the caller asked for may not be available. In this case, it would be polite to ask if the caller would like to leave them a message. 


Mesaj bırakmak ister misiniz?Would you like to leave a message?
Bir mesajınız var mıydı?Did you have a message?


Gelince arasın mı?Should he call you when he comes?
Aradığını söylerim.I will let him/her know that you called.

Concluding a call


İyi günler.Have a good day. 
İyi akşamlar.Have a good evening. 
Rica ederim.You are welcome.You would use this phrase if the calling party thanked you.


Bay bay.Bye-bye.
Görüşürüz.See you.

4. Phone/Connection Issues

When we make a phone call, there’s always a chance we’ll encounter issues of some sort. Whether there’s a bad connection, your phone’s battery is running low, or you didn’t quite understand what the other person said, you can use one of these phrases to express that there’s a problem.

Pardon, tekrar edebilir misiniz lütfen?“Sorry, could you say that again please?”
Sizi duyamıyorum.“I can’t hear you.”
Sizi çok zor duyabiliyorum.“I can barely hear you.”
Sesiniz gelmiyor.“I can’t hear you.”
Hat kesildi.“The line has been cut off.”
Şarjım bitmek üzere.“I’m about to run out of battery.”
Pardon yanlış oldu.“Sorry, I dialed the wrong number.”
Bağlantı çok kötü.“The connection is very bad.”

No Connection

5. Sample Turkish Phone Conversations

Now that you’ve learned several useful phrases for a phone call in Turkish, it’s time to see how these expressions might be used in a real conversation. Below, you’ll find two Turkish phone conversation examples: one informal and one formal. 


Two friends are talking on the phone and planning to go out to dinner on Saturday evening. Let’s see how their telephone conversation goes.

A: Merhaba. (“Hello.”)

B: Selam, ne haber? (“Hi, what’s up?”)

A: İyilik, senden? (“I’m fine, how about you?”)

B: Ben de iyiyim, sağol. (“I’m fine, too, thank you.”)

A: Cumartesi akşamı ne yapıyorsun? (“What are you doing on Saturday evening?”)

B: Henüz bir planım yok. (“I don’t have a plan yet.”)

A: Yemeğe gidelim mi? (“Shall we go to dinner?”)

B: Olur, tabi. Nereye gidelim? (“Okay, sure. Where shall we go?”)

A: Deniz’in yerine gidelim mi? (“Shall we go to Deniz’s Place?”)

B: Olur ama rezervasyon yaptırmak lazım. (“Okay, but we need to make a reservation.”)

A: Sorun değil, ben hallederim. Saat 8 iyi mi? (“No problem, I’ll take care of it. Is eight o’clock okay?”)

B: Tamam, sağol. Cumartesi akşamı saat 8’de orada görüşürüz o zaman. (“Okay, thank you. I’ll see you there at eight o’clock on Saturday evening, then.”)

A: Okey, görüşürüz. (“Okay, see you.”)

B: Bay bay. (“Bye-bye.”)


In this Turkish phone call, one of the friends is calling to make a reservation at Deniz’s Place. Note how the tone and language change here to match the formal context.

A: Deniz’in yeri, ben Ece. (“Deniz’s Place, this is Ece.”)

B: İyi günler. Cumartesi akşamı için rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum. (“Good day. I’d like to make a reservation for Saturday evening.”)

A: Tabi. Saat kaçta? (“Sure. At what time?”)

B: 8’de lütfen. (“At eight, please.”)

A: Saat 8’de yerimiz mevcut. Kaç kişilik rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorsunuz? (“We have availability at eight. How many people do you want to make the reservation for?”)

B: İki kişi için. (“For two people.”)

A: 28 Kasım Cumartesi akşamı saat 8 için 2 kişilik rezervasyonunuzu yaptım. Başka yardımcı olabileceğim bir şey varmı? (“I made your reservation for two people for eight on Saturday evening, November 28th. Is there anything else I can help with?”)

B: Yok, teşekkür ederim. İyi günler. (“No, there isn’t. Thank you. Have a good day.”)

A: Rica ederim. İyi günler. (“You are welcome. Have a good day.”)

Making a Reservation

6. Discover More About Turkish with TurkishClass101

Did you enjoy learning these Turkish phone call phrases with us? We hope that you now feel more confident and prepared for making and taking calls, and that the sample conversations we provided were useful to you. 

If you’d like to continue learning useful Turkish words and phrases, then create your free lifetime account on We provide numerous audio and video lessons, tons of free vocabulary lists, and a variety of other free resources (like this dictionary) that you can refer to. For a more accelerated and personal learning approach, Premium PLUS members can also take advantage of our MyTeacher service which allows you to practice and study with a private teacher. 

Always on the go? Then download the app for free and use it wherever you are.

Last but not least, please continue to provide us with feedback so we can continue to improve and best serve your language learning needs!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish

Turkish Filler Words: Engage in More Natural Conversations


We all grow up learning and using our mother tongue, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that we do a perfect job of utilizing it—especially when it comes to conversations.

For example, do you know how many filler words you use when conversing?

A Group Giving a Speech in Front of an Audience

In this article, we’ll discuss what filler words are and why we use them. We’ll also introduce you to the most common Turkish filler words, list the pros and cons of using them, and give you some advice on how to limit their use while still employing them for natural conversations in Turkish.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. What are filler words and when do we use them?
  2. The Top Turkish Filler Words
  3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words
  4. How to Control Your Use of Filler Words
  5. Discover More About Turkish on

1. What are filler words and when do we use them?

Fillers are sounds, words, or short phrases that are most often used to “fill” a pause in speech. Some of them might have meaning when used by themselves or in other contexts, but lack any real value when used as a filler. They’re usually specific to a language, though they can also be regional, communal, or cultural.

When to use them

If they don’t add anything to the sentence, then why do we use them?

One reason is that it’s habitual: We tend to use them without thinking. However, there are several other reasons. Here are some circumstances under which you might use fillers:

  • When you need to buy some time while you find the right word or phrasing

    I’m sure that sounds similar to “um” and “ehm” are used in most languages for this purpose. It may be okay to use them once or twice in a conversation, but overusing them can really become annoying.

A Head Drawn with Chalk on a Chalkboard, with Question Mark Sticky Notes on It

What is next?

  • When you don’t know how to complete a sentence

    There are some cases where we don’t want to finish a sentence or don’t know what to say to complete it. In such cases, fillers come to the rescue.
  • When you’re uncertain about something

    Sometimes fillers help us hide any uncertainties we have during a conversation.
  • When you need to speak more indirectly in order to be polite
  • When you need to approach delicate topics gently

2. The Top Turkish Filler Words

Below are some filler words in Turkish that you can use if you really need to:


Eee“Um” / “Ehm”

As in English, this filler is used to buy some time so the speaker can think about what they want to say next. It gives the speaker time to organize their thoughts.


İstatistiklere göre Türkiye’de Corona virüsü nedeniyle, eee, 10 bin 27 kişi öldü.
“According to the statistics, in Turkey, umm, 10027 people died because of the Coronavirus.”

In this example, the filler eee is used by the speaker to buy time while they try to remember the exact number.



Şey normally means “thing,” but when it’s used as a filler, it just helps the speaker buy some time to find the right word(s).

This can be a lifesaver for Turkish learners. If you can’t remember a word, just throw this one into the conversation—a native speaker will complete the thought for you!


A: Bugün kaç soru çözdün? (“How many questions did you solve today?”)
B: Şey, galiba 30. (“Well, I think 30.”)

Here, it’s used to gain time to remember the number of questions solved. 


Falan filan“Blah blah blah” / “And so on”

You can use this Turkish filler if you don’t want to give more examples or if you don’t know how to complete a sentence. Do keep in mind, however, that this filler reduces the impact of what you’re saying. A better alternative might be ve benzerleri, ve bunun gibi (“others, etc.”). 


A: Günün nasıl geçti? (“How was your day?”)
B: Evi temizledim, alışverişe gittim, ders çalıştım, falan filan işte. (“I cleaned the house, went shopping, studied, and so on.”)

In the example, the speaker probably did even more things during the day, but they cut their speech short by using falan filan.


Yani“This is to say” / “In short” / “Well”

We use the Turkish filler word yani when we think something we said was not clear and we need to give further explanation. In addition, we can use it if we’re uncertain about what we’re saying. 


A: O iyileşti mi? (“Did he recover?”)
B: Yani, sanırım. (“Well, I think so.”)

In this case, the filler expresses uncertainty.


Ivır zıvır“Knick knack”

This filler is used to define multiple objects when we either don’t want to name each one or don’t feel like mentioning the objects at all. 


A: Marketten ne aldın? (“What did you buy from the market?”)
B: Ivır zıvır. (“Knick knacks.”)

In this case, the person who went to the market doesn’t want to mention what he/she bought there.


İşte öyle bir şey“Something like that”

We use this filler when there’s uncertainty or when we don’t want to talk about something any further.


A: Sana yalan söylediği için mi onunla konuşmuyorsun? (“Are you not talking to him because he lied to you?”)
B: İşte öyle bir şey. (“Something like that.”)

Here, the person doesn’t want to talk about the real reason he/she is avoiding their friend.


Zımbırtı“Thing” / “Stuff”

We prefer to use this word for unnecessary or dysfunctional objects. We can also use it if we don’t know the name of an object or if we can’t remember it.


Şu zımbırtıyı verebilir misin lütfen?
“Can you give me that thing, please?”

The speaker either doesn’t know the name of the object or can’t remember it.


Zamazingo“Thing” / “Thingumabob”

This is another common filler used when we don’t know or can’t remember what something is called. 


Şu zamazingoyu gözümün önünden kaldırabilir misin lütfen?
“Can you take that thing out of my sight, please?”

The person either doesn’t know the name of the object or can’t remember it. 


Söyleyiver şunu / Sen söyle“Tell me that” / “You tell me”“You name it”

You can use this phrase if you’re trying to remember something.


A: Toplantıda kimler vardı? (“Who were in the meeting?”)

B: Jack, Mary, Lucy, Paul ve bir de, sen söyle, satış departmanındaki yeni gelen adam. (“Jack, Mary, Lucy, Paul, and, you tell me, the newcomer in the sales department.”)

The person either doesn’t know the name of the person or can’t remember his name. 


Anlarsın ya“You understand”“You know”

We use this one when we don’t want to complete a sentence.


İkisi sürekli beraberler. Anlarsın ya!

“The two are always together. You know!”

The person doesn’t want to talk further here, but he/she is implying that there is something going on between the two.


Ondan sonra“After that” / “Then”

This Turkish filler is used to buy some time so that we can remember the next thing we’re going to say. 


Sabah Terry ile okula gidiyorduk, ondan sonra işte, bana beni sevdiğini söyledi.

“Terry and I were going to school in the morning, then he told me that he loved me.”

Ondan sonra (“then”) is used here as a filler word because it’s not explaining what happened next; it’s rather explaining what happened during the action.

3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words


If used sparingly, filler words can be an advantageous addition to your conversations. The greatest benefit of using them as a language learner is that they’ll help your speech sound more natural. As long as you can control and limit their usage, there’s no need to eliminate them. 

Let’s take a look at more advantages:

  • Native speakers might think you have a good grasp of the language, and this will make you more confident.
  • You’ll sound cool and more natural.
  • It will help you gain time when you can’t remember something.
  • It might even sound relatable.


All of the advantages we discussed might turn into disadvantages if you use filler words in formal meetings, conferences, or interviews. Below are some drawbacks you might encounter:

  • If you’re speaking at an event and use filler words a lot, the audience might become bored and disengaged; they might also think you’re not well-prepared, less talented, and even repellent.
  • If you use them in a formal meeting or an interview, you won’t leave a good impression.
  • You might look confused and less confident.
  • It might reduce your credibility and prestige.
A Speaker in Front of a Microphone

4. How to Control Your Use of Filler Words

Again, you don’t need to avoid filler words completely. All you need to do is be aware of how, when, where, and how frequently you use them and learn to limit their usage. Here’s how you can prevent them from getting out of your control:

  • If using filler words is habitual for you, then becoming aware of it will help you regain control. If you don’t know when you tend to use filler words, you can record your speech or have somebody listen to you, so that you can find out where you get stuck. This will make it easier for you to restrict your filler word usage in those situations. 
  • Don’t be stressed and try to relax during your speech.
  • It’s okay to slow down and pause for a few seconds to think. It will give you time to gather your thoughts and choose your words.
The Pause Symbol
  • Filler words are usually used in longer and more complicated sentences. Therefore, try to use simpler, shorter sentences.
  • Watch and listen to lecturers, spokesmen, debaters, or public figures to figure out how they control their speech tempo.
  • Using your body language might be a good way to show that you’re thinking without using fillers. 
  • We tend to use filler words when we switch from one idea to another (in other words, during transitions). Therefore, you can plan your transitions in advance. For example: “Let’s move on with ___,” or “Let’s switch to ___.”
  • If you’re giving a professional speech, you’re likely to use the most fillers during the Q&A session because you’ll need to respond to things you might not be prepared for. Don’t hesitate to use honest phrases like, “Let me think about that for a second.” Believe me: The audience will appreciate your sincere approach as you consider their question.
  • Make sure to practice before you get in front of the audience. The introduction and conclusion usually draw the most attention, so make sure to practice these the most. 

Do you want to learn more phrases that can help you sound like a local? Then see our vocabulary list of the Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker

5. Discover More About Turkish on

We hope you now feel more confident about using filler words in Turkish and have a better idea of how to limit their use in your own language. Which fillers do you use most often? Let us know in the comments! 

If you’d like to know even more about Turkish vocabulary and conversation, then you need to bookmark TurkishClass101. We provide numerous audio recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and a variety of free resources (like this dictionary) you can refer to.

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