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Guide to the 100+ Turkish Nouns You Need to Know


What are Turkish nouns? Well, words used to define living things, non-living things, and concepts, are called nouns. Here comes your first Turkish noun:

“Ad” / “isim” – “Noun”

Unlike in some languages, in Turkish grammar, nouns don’t have gender. In other words, a Turkish noun isn’t categorized as feminine or masculine.

Nouns in Turkish grammar are classified as follows:

  1. According to the way they are given:
    1. Proper nouns
    2. Common nouns
  2. According to the composition of the names:
    1. Abstract nouns
    2. Concrete nouns
  3. According to the number:
    1. Singular nouns
    2. Plural nouns
    3. Collective nouns
  4. According to the structure
    1. Simple nouns
    2. Nouns derived from other nouns
    3. Compound nouns

You can find more information on this, and more Turkish vocabulary, on Wikipedia. Of course, also provides many practical and fun lessons for you! 

There are definite nouns in Turkish, as well as indefinite nouns. Definite nouns in Turkish are used in possessive constructions.

Further, Turkish doesn’t use any articles. Therefore, definite nouns in Turkish are indicated by accusative case suffixes. On the other hand, the absolute form is used for indefinite nouns in Turkish. 

Both definite nouns in Turkish and indefinite nouns in Turkish are covered on our website on, in detail.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Nouns Related to Transportation and Time
  2. Turkish Nouns for Food, Utensils, and Tableware
  3. Nouns about Occupations
  4. Nouns Related to Family Members
  5. Nouns about Appliances
  6. Technology-Related Nouns
  7. School-Related Nouns
  8. Nouns Related to Body Parts
  9. Conclusion

1- Nouns Related to Transportation and Time

At the airport

Let’s assume that you’re traveling to Turkey. When you arrive at the airport there, you might need to use basic nouns in Turkish to meet some of your conversation requirements.

1- Time

Due to the time difference, you may be confused about the time and date. In this case, you may need to ask:

Bugün Pazartesi mi?

“Is today Monday?”

Saat kaç?

“What time is it?”

Someone can answer those questions as follows:

Hayır, dün Pazartesi idi. Bugün Salı. 

“No, yesterday was Monday. Today is Tuesday.”

Saat 5’i 10 geçiyor.

“It’s 10 after 5.”

You can have other conversations about time as well:

Yarın Ankara’ya uçacağım.

“I will be flying to Ankara tomorrow.”

2 saat 45 dakika içinde başka bir uçuşum var. 

“I have another flight in two hours and forty-five minutes.”

Here are some other time-related nouns in Turkish that you can use:

–          Pazartesi     –  “Monday”

–          Salı               – “Tuesday”

–          Çarşamba    – “Wednesday”

–          Perşembe   – “Thursday”

–          Cuma           – “Friday”   

–          Cumartesi    –  “Saturday”

–          Pazar           – “Sunday”

–          Gün              – “Day”

–          Hafta           – “Week”

–          Ay                – “Month”

–          Yıl            – “Year”

–          Saat             – “Hour”

–          Dakika         – “Minute”

–          Dün              – “Yesterday”

–          Bugün          – “Today”

–          Yarın            – “Tomorrow”

Don’t miss out on our article about words that define time in Turkish.

Furthermore, you can learn more Turkish adjectives and nouns on

2- Transportation

Common Nouns

Here are some sentences about transportation using basic nouns in Turkish:

Uçak – “Airplane”

Bu uçak çok büyük.

“This airplane is very big.”

Havaalanı – “Airport”

Bu havaalanı çok küçük.

“This airport is very small.”

Tren istasyonu – “Train station” & Tren – “Train”

Tren istasyonu nerede? İlk trene yetişmem lazım. 

“Where is the train station? I have to catch the first train.”

Bisiklet – “Bicycle”

Buradan bisiklet kiralayabilir miyim?

“Can I rent a bike here?”

Here’s are some more Turkish nouns you can use when talking about transportation:

–          Metro – “Subway”

–          Otobüs – “Bus”

–          Taksi – “Taxi”

–          Otobüs durağı – “Bus stop”

–          Trafik ışıkları – “Traffic lights”

–          Yol – “Road”

–          Araba – “Car”

2- Turkish Nouns for Food, Utensils, and Tableware

Ordering at a restaurant

Let’s say you’re hungry and decide to eat at a restaurant at the airport before getting on your next flight within Turkey.  Following are some popular Turkish nouns you can use when you’re eating at a restaurant.

Masa – “Table”

Bu masa boş mu?

“Is this table available?”

Menü – “Menu”

Menüyü alabilir miyim?

“Can I have the menu?”

Kase – “Bowl” / Tavuk – “Chicken” / Sebze – “Vegetable”

Bir kase çorba, tavuk ve yanına da biraz sebze istiyorum. 

“I’d like a bowl of soup, chicken, and some vegetables on the side.”

Su – “Water” / Bira – “Beer” / Şarap – “Wine”

Su mu, bira mı, şarap mı istersiniz?

“Would you like water, beer, or wine?”

Çatal – “Fork”/ Bıçak – “Knife”

Bir çatal ve bıçak alabilir miyim lütfen?

“May I get a fork and a knife, please?”

Türk kahvesi – “Turkish coffee” / Çay – “Tea”

Türk kahvesi veya çay ister miydiniz?

“Would you like Turkish coffee or tea?”

You can check out our website to learn more about the Turkish terms used at a restaurant and Turkish nouns for food, utensils, and tableware.

3- Nouns about Occupations

Nouns 2

Now that you’re on the plane, you might want to have a small conversation with the Turkish man sitting next to you. You can start with a sincere:



Then you can introduce yourself and talk about your occupation, and ask about his.

Doktor – “Doctor” / Meslek – “Occupation”

Ben doktorum. Sizin mesleğiniz nedir?

“I’m a doctor. What is your occupation?”

Avukat – “Lawyer” / Hemşire – “Nurse”

Ben avukatım ama eşim hemşire.

“I’m a lawyer, but my wife is a nurse.”

Here’s a Turkish nouns list for other occupations:

–          Mühendis   –       “Engineer”

–          Öğretmen    –       “Teacher”

–          İş adamı      –       “Businessman”

–          İş kadını       –       “Businesswoman”

–          Yönetici       –       “Manager”

–          Mimar         –       “Architect”

Please check out  our article about jobs for more information on finding a job in Turkey, and what to expect while working there.

4- Nouns Related to Family Members

Here’s a Turkish nouns list you can use to introduce your family:

  • Aile              –       “Family”
  • Eş                 –       “Spouse”
  • Kız evlat       –       “Daughter”
  • Erkek evlat  –       “Son”
  • Anne            –       “Mom”
  • Baba            –       “Dad”
  • Ebeveyn       –       “Parent”
  • Kuzen           –       “Cousin”
  • Çocuk           –       “Child”

For even more of the most common nouns in Turkish used for family, check out our article about family members!

Of course, you can broaden your vocabulary for family members as well, using our free vocabulary list.

5- Nouns about Appliances

Nouns 3

After a tiring trip, you’re finally at the hotel. You might have some questions about some of the appliances.

Klima – “Air conditioner”

Klimayı açmama yardımcı olabilir misiniz lütfen?   

“Can you help me turn on the air conditioner, please?”

Buzdolabı –”Fridge”

Buzdolabı çalışmıyor. 

“The fridge doesn’t work.”

Mikrodalga fırın – “Microwave”

Odada mikrodalga fırın yok.

“There is no microwave in the room.”

Saç kurutma makinesi – “Hair dryer”

Bana başka bir saç kurutma makinesi gönderebilir misiniz lütfen?

“Can you send me another hair dryer, please?”

Televizyon – “TV”

Televizyon çalışmıyor.

“The TV is not working.”

Çamaşır makinesi – “Washer” / Kurutucu – “Dryer”

Yakında bir çamaşır makinesi ve kurutucu var mı?

“Is there a washer and a dryer nearby?”

Fan; havalandırma – “Fan”

Banyodaki fan çalışmıyor. 

“The fan in the bathroom is not working.”

Please refer to the following link for even more of the most common nouns in Turkish related to appliances.

6- Technology-Related Nouns

After a good night’s rest, you have a meeting with a colleague the next day. You’re in a conference room, and, of course, you might need to use some nouns in Turkish related to technology. Here you go:

Wi-Fi –”Wi-Fi”

Bu konferans salonunda Wi-Fi var mı?

“Is there Wi-Fi in this conference room?”

Şarj aleti – “Charger” / Cep telefonu – “Cell phone”

Şarj aletimi evrak çantamdan alıp cep telefonumu şarj etmeme izin verin. 

“Let me take my charger from my briefcase and charge my cell phone.”

Tablet – “Tablet” / Dizüstü bilgisayar – “Laptop”

Tabletimi otelde unuttum ama dizüstü bilgisayarım yanımda.

“I forgot my tablet at the hotel, but I have my laptop with me.”

Bilgisayar  – “Computer”

Oo, odada bir bilgisayar da var.

“Oh, here is also a computer in the room.”

Dosya – “File”

Size göstermek istediğim dosya bu.

“This is the file I want to show you.”

Şifre – “Password”

İlk önce şifremi girmeme izin verin.

“Let me enter my password first.”

Resim – “Picture” / Web sitesi – “Website”

Resmi size web sitesinden göstereceğim.

“I will show you the picture from the website.”

You can go to to learn more nouns about technology.

7- School-Related Nouns

You’re invited over to your colleague’s house for dinner.

You like children, and you have your own kids. You’d like to have a conversation with your colleague’s kid. Here are some basic nouns in Turkish related to school.

–          Lise                    –          “High school”

–          Ortaokul          –          “Middle school”

–          İlkokul               –          “Elementary school”

–          Ödev                 –          “Homework”

–          Öğretmen       –          “Teacher”

–          Sınav                 –          “Exam”

–          Kitap                  –          “Book”

–          Proje                 –          “Project”

–          Defter              –          “Notebook”

–          Kalem               –          “Pen” or “Pencil”

School related nouns

Here’s an example of a conversation you can carry out with your colleague’s child about school using these nouns:

A: Liseye mi gidiyorsun?

A: “Are you going to high school?”

B: Evet, liseye gidiyorum.

B: “Yes, I’m going to high school.”

A: Kızım ortaokula gidiyor, oğlum da ilkokula gidiyor. Ödevini bitirdin mi?

A: “My daughter goes to middle school and my son goes to elementary school. Have you completed your homework?”

B: Öğretmenim çok ödev veriyor ama ben bitirdim.

B: “My teacher gives a lot of homework, but I completed it.”

A: O zaman ne yapıyorsun?

A: “What are you doing then?”

B: Yarın sınavım var ama projem ile ilgili kitap okuyorum.

B: “I have an exam tomorrow, but I’m reading a book about my project.”

A: Projen ne hakkında?

A: “What is your project about?”

B: Projem insan vücudu hakkında. 

B: “My project is about body parts.”

Guess what? Here’s an opportunity for you to learn body parts in Turkish.

8- Nouns Related to Body Parts

Body parts

A: Oo, bana Türkçe vücud organlarını öğretebilir misin?

A: “Oh, can you teach me body parts in Turkish?”

B: Tabi ki.

B: “Sure.”

A: Bana bir defter ve kalem verebilir misin? Not almak istiyorum.

A: “Can you give me a notebook and a pen? I want to take notes.”

B: Tabi. İşte burada. Kelimeler şöyle:

B: “Sure. Here you go. The words are as follows:”

–          Vücut           –       “Body”

–          Baş; kafa     –       “Head”

–          Omuz           –       “Shoulder”

–          Kol              –       “Arm”

–          El                 –       “Hand”

–          Bacak           –       “Leg”

–          Ayak             –       “Foot”

–          Yüz               –       “Face”

–          Göz             –       “Eye”

–          Burun          –       “Nose”

–          Ağız             –       “Mouth”

–          Kulak           –       “Ear”

–          Parmak       –       “Finger”

9. Conclusion

Nouns 4

We hope you had a nice trip and were able to use your Turkish, and learn some new Turkish nouns. Are you interested in learning even more about nouns in Turkish so that you can express yourself better? Our Turkish dictionary is a great place to find more words for your Turkish nouns vocabulary bank! 

Know that your hard work will pay off, and you’ll be speaking, reading, and writing Turkish like a native before you know it!

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