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Turkish Grammar

Grammar is always something that students dread when they are trying to learn a new language. They fear that the rules of grammar are going to be too difficult to remember, and that they aren’t going to be able to learn the language. They also fear that the Turkish grammar they have to learn will comprise most of the lesson. By breaking the grammar down into smaller, easily retained chunks, and adding other types of lessons to go along with the grammar, it is possible to have fun and learn at the same time. Do not letter grammar be the thing that keeps you from learning Turkish!

The Sentence Structure

When you are speaking in English, the pattern by which you make your sentences follows the order of subject, verb, and then object. Many languages follow this patters, but this is not always the case in the Turkish language. Instead, the verb is usually going to be at the end of the sentence. The basic word order in the language is going to use subject, object, and then verb.

It is possible to change the order of the words in the sentence when you want to be able to stress certain words. You will want to place the word that you want to stress as close to the verb as you can. If you want to place stress on the verb, you would place the verb at the beginning of the sentence. However, when you write Turkish, the verb is generally going to go at the end of the sentence.

Verbs and Tenses

You will find different tenses in the language, just as you will in English. The past, present, and future tense affect the Turkish verbs that you are using. The verbs in Turkish can be quite complex, but once you start to learn them you will find that they make sense in the overall grammatical structure of the language.

Learning the verbs and how to place them in different sentences is vital if you are going to be able to get a grasp on Turkish grammar and master the language like a real speaker.

This just scratches the surface of Turkish grammar, but it provides a good starting point for those who want to learn more about the language. Learning grammar a single step at a time and retaining it is going to make learning and speaking Turkish much easier.