Vocabulary (Review)

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Selam arkadaşlar, ben Zehra. Hi everybody! I’m Zehra
Welcome to TurkishClass101.com’s “3 dakikada Türkçe”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Turkish.
In the last lesson, we learned how to ask "Who" questions in Turkish.
This time, we’re going to ask "Why" questions
Imagine your boss is giving you a call because you are not at work today... He will certainly ask you Neden bugün işe gelmedin?
So let’s break down this question.
First we had-
neden, which is the basic translation of "Why" in Turkish.
Bugün means “today”.
işe literally means “to work”. The base form of work is iş and if we want to get the form “to work”, we have to add the -e suffix at the end of it.
Gelmedin? is "did not come", the negative form of geldin which is “did come”.
Altogether it is Neden bugün işe gelmedin?
So in Turkish, neden is the exact translation of "Why", used to ask the reason for something.
So for example, if your boss is asking you "Why are you late today?" he will say
Neden bugün geciktin?
That's it! It's your last lesson so we'll keep it simple.
Now it’s time for Zehra’s Insights.
A famous expression in Turkey is Neden olmasın? which means, like in English, "Why not?"
You can use it to say yes to a suggestion if you're not really excited about it, or if it it was not planned in advance.
For example if a friend asks you suddenly "Do you want to go to the movies tonight?", you can answer Neden olmasın? "Why not?"
This lesson is the last of this Absolute Beginner’s video series.
But it’s hopefully not the last you learn about the Turkish language! To take your language ability to the next level, check out TurkishClass101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Turkish.
Görüşmek üzere!

