Lesson Transcript

Selamlar! Ben Seda. Hoş geldiniz!
Hi everybody! My name is Seda. Welcome to turkishclass101.com.
Today we'll talk about conversation starters.
So this should be fun because we are the people who like the mumble jumble with a lot of questions.
You wouldn't find it hard to start a conversation with a Turkish person.
We love talking and a lot of my foreign friends find a little bit weird how many
and how personal questions Turkish people can ask.
So buckle up and get ready to be like us.
First is the simplest.
Ne haber? Which is the shorter version of ne haber?
What's up? Literally what news?
Ne haber? Hey ne haber?
İyidir sende ne haber?
Always answer like that.
But this is actually very casual so don't say it to someone older than you
or someone you don't know very well.
So keep in mind that it's very casual.
So the second one you can say.
This is a very general question.
How is the work?
But it may means more general than work.
Literally it means how is the work going?
So you can ask it you know how is the work going?
But it doesn't have to be the job work.
It can be work work, the house work, whatever work those people are doing.
So the other one is Çocuklar nasıl?
How are the kids?
This is a killer conversation starter because Turkish people,
especially Turkish moms, love talking about their kids.
Actually it's our somewhat tradition to ask about other person's family,
friends, kids, sometimes cousins and stuff like that.
It's funny I know.
And when we do that we add Lailaş, the suffix to make it more general.
What I mean is for example if I want to ask about parents I may say
It means your mothers but what it actually means your mom and dad
and if you have grandparents those as well.
That means we are asking about that side of your family,
that mother side of your family.
So we can say Annenler nasıl or Annenler nasıllar?
How are your mothers literally?
How are your parents, grandparents?
This can be babanlar, fathers, Ayşeler, Ayşe's names.
Ayşe and whomever linked to Ayşe, her boyfriend, husband, fiance, etc.
And in countryside they add an extra suffix to larlar which is gil.
They say Annen giller, baban giller, Ayşe giller.
But please note that this is not very common in the city.
So we can go to the next one.
Ee neler yapıyorsun?
So what are you up to?
And you may also say
Ee nereden tanışıyorsunuz?
If you have like two people.
How do you know each other guys?
Ee nereden tanışıyorsunuz?
Ee nereden tanışıyorsunuz?
Literally from where you are meeting.
Something like that this question.
As you can see we add a lot of ee before we ask.
It's kind of like so we put it here and there.
Doesn't really mean anything.
So we can say ee hangi takımlısı?
Which team do you support?
Ee or without ee hangi takımlısın?
Hangi takımlısın?
This is for soccer, football.
We say football.
Of course Turkish people love also talking about it.
But be careful not to say something bad about their team.
The team they are supporting.
Because they can be they may be passionate about it.
And you may get into a fight.
And you may also ask.
Would you like to eat something?
If you're especially visiting at home you will get this question.
And if someone is visiting you.
If you are not you know offering something that may be rude to those people.
We love to offer food and go out to eat something as well.
And the restaurants are always open in Turkey.
Especially in big cities.
You can always find spots to eat anytime.
Even in the middle of the night.
So that's good.
We love food.
You can also say bu hafta sonu ne yapıyorsun?
What are you doing this weekend?
Bu hafta sonu ne yapıyorsun?
Bu hafta sonu ne yapıyorsun?
Bu hafta sonu ne yapıyorsun?
We say it like that.
Ne yapıyorsun?
Instead of ne yapıyorsun?
What's your favorite movie?
En sevdiğin film hangisi?
So you can change en sevdiğin the part film.
Put anything you want there.
We watch a lot of Turkish movies and series besides the foreign movies.
People are especially love talking about Turkish series
and what happened in the last episode and things like that.
And you know you can join that conversation.
Do you guys also watch any Turkish series?
If so, which one?
Go and comment.
Maybe I know them.
Okay, the last one is
Do you do any sports?
As you can see sometimes we don't say the R.
Yapıyor musun?
Instead of yapıyor musun?
I say yapıyor musun?
You can answer this by saying evet futbol oynuyorum.
I'm playing football.
I'm doing yoga.
Whatever you are doing.
I think that's it.
Yeah, that's it guys.
Well done.
In this lesson you learned how to start a conversation using your Turkish.
Which sentence would you prefer?
Write your sentence in the comment section and start a conversation with people
and try to keep it going in Turkish.
So you can practice Turkish and you can help each other practice it.
Because we have a lot of Turkish learners.
You can go and talk to each other.
I think I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm going guys.
I will see you next time.
Take care of yourself.
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