Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello, everyone! This is Selin from TurkishClass101.com.
And I am back here again with another Top Words video.
Today, we’re gonna talk about 10 phrases to help you in an emergency.
1. Polisi arayın. “Call the police.”
So, you should know which number to call in Turkey if you want to call the police, right? I think I said this before though, but let me repeat again. It’s 1-5-5, 155, to call the police in Turkey. Don’t forget.
2. Ateşin var mı? “Do you have a fever?”
So, in case of any sickness or illness, then you need to at least know some basic sentences to explain your condition, right? So you can say - Evet, ateşin var, as an answer to this question because if somebody asks you like, “Do you have fever?” ateşin var mı, you can say evet var, means “Yes, I have.”
And, if you already measured your fever, you can continue like this - Evet, var ateşim, “my fever is…,” let’s say otuz sekiz derece. Derece is the measurement used for the fever, so “Yes, I have” Evet var. Ateşim otuz sekiz derece. “My fever is 38… My fever is 38 degrees.”
3. Pasaportumu kaybettim. “I lost my passport.”
I lost my passport! Oh no! What should you do?
So, if you lose your passport in any foreign country, the first thing you need to do is to search for the embassy of your country, right? So, if you want to ask someone how I can go to the embassy, then how you will ask? Let me teach you. Let’s say you’re from England, okay? And you’re talking with a Turkish person, so you ask like this - Pasaportumu kaybettim. İngiliz konsolosluğu nerede. Nerede means “where is.” Konsolosluğu means “embassy” and, of course, it depends on your country. First, you need to put your country name and then konsolosluğu nerede. Let’s say you’re from Japan - Japon konsolosluğu nerede. Pasaportumu kaybettim.
4. Sanırım bozulmuş bir şey yedim. “I think I ate something bad.”
Like expired food, right? So, where is the closest hospital, right? Okay. So, if you feel bad, then you can become really sick, right, so you should call a doctor. You should see a doctor, you should visit a hospital. Then, how do you ask where is the closest hospital? Let’s try to give an example about it - Sanırım bozulmuş bir şey yedim. En yakın hastane nerede? En yakın means “closest,” hastane “hospital,” “is where” nerede.
5. Doktora ihtiyacım var. “I need a doctor.”
So, I mean, I hope it doesn’t happen ever, but sometimes, we have some accidents, right, on the road and some people are really badly injured. And that time, you will see around the other people who will scream like this - Doktor yok mu! Doktor yok mu! It means, “Is there any doctor here?” like that. Doktor yok mu!
6. Otelime geri dönüş yolunu bulamıyorum. “I can't find the way back to my hotel.”
In Turkey, we have many streets, many roads and sometimes, it’s not very planned. How should I say it? Like, not very well organized, so it might be a bit easy for you to get lost. In that case, I think it’s better to have a hotel card before you leave your hotel. So, ask your hotel to give you a hotel card. How do you ask? Otelin kartın var mı? It means, “Do you have the hotel card?” Otelin kartın var mı? Or, “Can I have one? Can I have the hotel card?” Otelin kartını alabilir miyim? Otelin kartını means “hotel card.”
7. Yakınlarda eczane var mı? “Is there a pharmacy nearby?”
Normally, we have many pharmacies like everywhere in Turkey, but let’s say you feel sick at night, right? At that time, what will you do in Turkey? So in Turkey, in the neighborhoods, like we have night pharmacy for emergency situations. So, you need to know the night pharmacy and you can go there and get your medicine, even though it’s very late at night. We call them in Turkish, nöbetçi eczane. Nöbetçi means like “night pharmacy.” And, let’s say you’re trying to find a night pharmacy, you wanted to ask someone - Nöbetçi eczane nerede? “Where is the night pharmacy?”
8. Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz? “Can you help me?”
Can you help me? I’m lost. So you can ask someone, of course - “Can you help me?” Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz? But then, probably, they will say, sure, but about what? So, probably, you will hear this - Tabi, ne konuda? or Hangi konuda? “About what?” And then, you can just tell your problem like I got lost or I’m searching this or like whatever you wanna say.
9. Kayboldum. “I am lost.”
Oh my god, I’m lost. Doktor yok mu! “Where is the doctor?” So, when you are lost, what should you do?” I think it’s better to find a police station close by, right? So maybe, they can call your hotel or your friends. So, try to ask someone where is the closest police station. “Police station” is polis merkezi or karakol in Turkish and nerede is “where is”, “closest” is en yakın. So now, let’s make a sentence - En yakın karakol polis merkezi nerede?
10. Ambulansa ihtiyacım var. “I need an ambulance.”
If you’re really bad that, that you’re really… I mean, you need an ambulance that bad, then you can say to someone, “Please someone, call an ambulance,” right? This is I think more natural in Turkish, more common to use like, “Someone call an ambulance, please” like that. So you say - Biri ambulans çağırsın lütfen. Lütfen means “please” and biri ambulans çağırsın means “call an ambulance.”
That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and if you’re planning to travel to Turkey, I’m sure these phrases, sentences will be very, very useful for you. I hope to see you guys in the next video. Bye-bye!

