Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone! I’m Selin From TurkishClass101.com.
Today, we have a bit of an angry topic. It is 10 phrases you use when you’re angry.
Let’s be angry today.
1. Bu seni ilgilendirmez. “It’s none of your business.”
Wow, okay, slow down. Sometimes, we put hiç also before ilgilendirmez. It’s to emphasize the meaning like - Bu seni hiç ilgilendirmez, which means “It’s really none of your business.” So, both are fine. Just as I told you, hiç gives a more strong meaning, bu seni hiç ilgilendirmez.
Or, I’m gonna give you another examples. Actually, I feel really bad to teach you these words though, but it is - Sana ne. Sana ne means “It’s not your business.” It’s like, it’s not your job, it’s not your thing. Sana ne.
2. Kapa çeneni. “Shut up.”
It’s, it makes it weirder when I say it slowly, kapa çeneni. Kapa çeneni, I think, this is used in many languages, right? English, Japanese, Turkish, so, I think when you don’t want to hear what the other person says, you just say, “Ah, just shut up” kapa çeneni,
or, you can say, Biraz susar mısın? It means, “Can you be just quiet? / Can you just shut up?” It’s like susar mısın means “Can you be quiet? / Can you shut up?”
3. Beni rahat bırak. “Leave me alone.”
This is very common in Turkey. Sometimes, you can see some people or some teenagers using this phrase to their parents, “Just leave me alone” like that. Beni rahat bırak or beni rahat bırakın if you’re talking to more than one person. If you’re talking to your parents, for example, you say, beni rahat bırakın to them.
Or you can say, if you are fighting with your lover - Peşimden gelme. It means “Don’t follow me.” Leave me alone. Peşimden gelme.
4. Benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun? “Are you kidding me?”
It’s… It’s angry, yes. Benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun?
Or, let me teach you another one - Şaka yapıyorsun. It means “Are you kidding?” like, “I cannot believe.” This is also common and it’s not always angry. If you’re also like, if you’re surprised, if you really cannot believe, you can also use this like, “You’re kidding.” Şaka yapıyorsun. Or, you may sound a bit angry too like şaka yapıyorsun, like “It cannot be true.”
5. Her neyse. “Whatever.”
Her neyse, it sounds angry, yes, but you can use it without her, so neyse, means “you don’t care.” Like you fight or you hear something you didn’t like and then you can say, “Ah, whatever.” Neyse, like “I don’t care.”
6. Kes şunu. “Cut it out.”
If somebody is doing something you don’t like and if you want them to stop, yes, you’re using this phrase, “Cut it out.” Kes şunu.
Or, if you don’t want that person to continue that action, you can just say the name of the action in Turkey too. So, what I mean is this like “Stop talking.” If you want to say to someone to stop talking - Kes konuşmayı, which means “Stop talking” like “cut the talking,” basically. Literally, it means that.
So, let’s have the kes, the first word from this phrase, and let’s change the verb.
If you don’t want the other person to eat - Kes yemeyi.
If you don’t want them to talk - Kes konuşmayı.
Or if you don’t want them to look somewhere - Kes bakmayı.
7. Seninle konuşmak istemiyorum. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
And do you know, you know, I’m saying the word slowly for you, right? In Turkey, if you want to increase the… how should I say it, the meaning of the word, you can say it slowly. It sounds more angry, did you know that? Like, seninle konuşmak is-te-mi-yo-rum. We do that in Turkey to, you know, to give a more strong meaning like is-te-mi-yo-rum. It’s a bit, a little bit like with a melody, kind of like rhythm. But to, how should I say it? If you want to look more angry and if you want the other person to understand clearly, then you can just divide it to the vowels and you can say it slowly.
8. Sinirliyim. “I'm upset.”
So, when can you use it? If somebody is asking you, “Oh, are you okay?” or you fought and then the fight is over, let’s fight. The argument, argument is over and the other person is asking you, “Are you still mad at me?” and you can say- Evet sinirliyim. Or you can say, “I’m upset because of you” or “I’m upset with you.” You can say - Evet, hala “still” sana sinirliyim, like “to you,” sana sinirliyim, or him or her, ona - Evet hala ona sinirliyim.
9. Ne olmuş yani? “So what?”
Yeah, it’s a, it sounds angry, but do you know that yani word at the end, it’s not always like for angry phrases. We use it a lot in our daily conversation and I think, as far as I know, it’s just not for the Turkish language. I think in Arabic language, they also use yani. You can use it for everything; when you’re giving an example, when you are angry, when you’re sad. It’s very useful, yani. Yani, how should I say, yani, like that. Ne olmuş yani? But when you put yani after ne olmuş, then it sounds like you don’t care, like, “I don’t care, whatever.” Ne olmuş yani? Like that.
10. Sen kim olduğunu sanıyorsun? “Who do you think you are?”
In Turkey, in fights or arguments, we always use one phrase and it is, “Who are you?” Yeah, maybe, it doesn’t have any meaning in English when I translate it. Maybe, you don’t know, like, so what is angry about that? But somehow in Turkish or in Turkey, we are, when we’re angry, we are always asking the other person, “Who are you?” Sen kimsin? Really, this is literally what it means - Sen kimsin? “Who,” it’s like kimsin and sen is “you.” Sen kimsin? Sen kimsin ya? Like that. I don’t know why, but Turkish people tend to ask the other person who are you when they get angry, and we also don’t know why we are doing that, why we just keep asking the other person who they are, who they are, who they are. I think it’s to give the effect to the other person, we are not scared of you no matter who you are. Like no matter… if you have a good job, if you’re like a high-level person, like who are you? I’m not scared of you. I think to give that effect, we keep using the same phrase like who are you, who are you, who are you?
So we finished all the angry phrases. Oh, did you get angry? So, well, if you’re learning Turkish, if you’re learning any language, in my opinion, you cannot always learn the good sides, right? So, we also use some bad words, angry phrases and all that makes one language. So, I hope this video was useful for you today. See you guys in the next video. Bye-bye!

