Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello, everyone! I'm Selin from TurkishClass101.com
Today, we're going to be talking about a very funny topic - 10 Must-Know Math Words.
The first word is...
1. matematik "math"
İlkokulda en sevdiğim ders matematikti. "Math was my favourite lesson in elementary school."
Math was not my favourite lesson in elementary school. Well, in Turkey, students start to learn math from the first grade. Basic math, of course, like plus, minus, but we will come to those words later. But after that in high school, we don't just have math, we're dividing classes as geometry, analytics and then math. And we say in Turkish, geometri, analitik, and matematik.
The next one is...
2. sayı "number"
Sayılarla aram pek iyi değildir. "I'm not very good with numbers."
If you're not good with numbers, then you're not good at math, I'm sorry. In math, we are grouping numbers, right? So for example, how do you say prime numbers in Turkish?
asal sayılar. sayılar is "numbers", and asal is "prime". So "prime numbers," asal sayılar. What are prime numbers, do you know?
3. buçuk "half"
Bir buçuk yıldır bu şehirde yaşıyorum. "I lived in this city for a year and a half."
So as you can see, buçuk is not just a math word, you can use it in your daily life as well, like, how old are you? Sometimes you're asking someone, right? And they can say, ten and a half. So in Turkish, it's like - on buçuk, or 15 and a half, onbeş buçuk.
Buçuk comes after.
So if you want to say "half of an apple," then it's not buçuk, it's another word, it's elmanın, elmanın is "apple," yarısı. yarısı means half of the apple.
Elmanın yarısı.
Or, let's say orange, portakalın yarısı. It's not buçuk.
4. çift "even"
Çift sayılar ikiye kalansız bölünür. "Even numbers can be divided by two without a remainder."
So çift itself has many meanings, so if you use with çift sayılar, then it becomes "even number", be careful about that, because Çift can also mean "couple", like a man and woman.
So you have to use it with sayılar, so that we can understand you're talking about "even numbers". So what are even numbers, do you know? Can you count in Turkish the even numbers? Let me start for you then you can continue.
sıfır, iki, dört, altı, sekiz, on
So now is your turn.
5. tek "odd"
İki tek sayının toplamı bir çift sayı eder. "The sum of two odd numbers is an even number."
Why don't we try, ok? In Turkish.
So first find two odd numbers, iki tek sayılar.
I'll go with üç ve beş.
üç is "three"
"five" is beş
Üç artı beş "three plus five"
"equals to" eşittir
sekiz "eight"
Üç artı beş eşittir sekiz. "Three plus five equals to eight."
And eight is an even number! So it's correct!
6. artı "plus"
Sen daha iki artı ikiyi hesaplayamıyorsun! "You can't even calculate two plus two!"
So this kind of English sentence, you can say it to your friend when you're studying math. "You can't even calculate two plus two!"
iki artı ikiyi is "two plus two"
Calculate, show your friend you can calculate. It equals to four, right? And "four"is dört in Turkish.
So it's dört.
7. eksi "minus"
Yirmi altı eksi dokuz on yedi eder. "Twenty six minus nine is seventeen."
You're good at math.
So the minus, we also use it for temperature, like if it's below zero, for -1, -2, we are saying eksi bir, eksi iki.
So for temperature, the weather, we are using it, and for math, for calculating, we're also using "minus" eksi.
So I'm gonna say in Turkish, a calculation for you, and write me the answer only in Turkish, ok? OK, here it goes.
Doksan sekiz eksi yirmi yedi kaç eder?
I'm not gonna say it in English.
8. kere "times"
Yedi kere sekiz kaç eder? "What is seven times eight?"
Ok, I think they want me to answer this question probably here, seven times eight, but I will say in Turkish again,
Yedi kere sekiz 56 eder. "Seven times eight is fifty-six."
I'm going to teach you one more thing in Turkish, "multiplication table". So "multiplication" is çarpma, çarpma in Turkish. And "table" is tablo.
So, çarpma tablosu, "multiplication table".
Çarpma tablosu
9. bölmek "to divide"
Büyük sayıları bölmek zor geliyor. "I find it troublesome to divide big numbers."
So here's an example. First in Turkish,
Yüz bölü beş kaç eder? "What is one hundred divided by five?"
So in Turkish, it is yirmi, which is "twenty" in English.
10. yüzde "percent"
İkinci indirimde %50 indirim yapıyoruz. "We give a 50% discount for the second purchase."
So as you can hear, in Turkish, we say first "percent", and then the number, not like English. Because in English, first you say the number, then "percent", right? So it's like "fifty-percent".
But in Turkish, yüzde elli, so "percent" and then "fifty". That is why when we write, first we write the percent symbol (%), and then the number. So it's like different than English.
We are finally finished today! I hope you enjoyed it. Today I feel like I became a math teacher as well, I hope it was a helpful lesson. And I hope to see you guys in the next video. See you! Bye-bye!

