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Hello everyone. How are you. I'm Seline from TurkishClass101.com.
Today. We were going to be talking about 10 Sad Words. It's a bit sad topic but it's also important to know the sad words as well, right? So let's start.
The first word is...
1. canı sıkkın "upset"
Bugün biraz canı sıkkın. "He is a little bit upset today."
So if you see your friends a bit upset, then first you need is to ask the question in Turkish, right? So you can ask - ne oldu?
Ne oldu? is like "what happened?"
And then your friend can say today I'm a bit upset so he or she will say Bugün biraz canım sıkkın.
I said canım because I'm talking about myself. In that case, it's going to be canım sıkkın.
The next one is...
2. göz yaşı "tear"
Konuşurken göz yaşlarımı tutamadım. "I couldn't hold my tears while speaking."
So there is a very common Turkish saying, now I'm going to share this with you. It includes tears in it, so... It goes like this
Gözyaşları sel oldu.
What it means, literally, "the eye drops/tears were flooding." So it means we cry so much or I cry so much that it became like a flood. And I'm sure you can hear it a lot in Turkey ,especially in very sad situations like funeral or if something bad happens to you, then people use this expression a lot. Gözyaşları sel oldu.
3. yalnız "lonely"
Kendimi yalnız hissediyorum. "I feel lonely."
So this word, actually, many Turkish people are also using it wrong sometimes, and we also have to be careful. So the word is yalnız, which is, first we have L and then N. But in Turkey, most people are confused about this word. They are saying yanlız, but it's wrong. So be careful about that, it's yalnız.
Or if you want to say "I am alone, not "I feel alone," then you can say yalnızım.
Ben yalnızım, "I am alone."
So you can use this word without feeling. For example, if you want to say "I am alone" or "I am lonely," we only have one sentence for both. And it is - Ben yalnızım.
Ben, which means "I am"; yalnızım "alone" or "lonely".
4. sefil "miserable"
Ne kadar sefil bir yaratık! "What a miserable creature!"
Actually, it sounds really funny for me because we don't usually use this in daily life, you know. You don't use it with your friends. You use this for someone you really don't like, I think.
Ne kadar sefil bir yaratık. It's like, oh, it's really offensive! So please be careful when you are using this example. I don't want to trouble you.
Sefil also means, in Turkish, kind of like, we use it for poor people. It means like you are poor or in a poor situation.
That time you can say that the person is really sefil, which means "very poor." You can say Çok sefil bir insan. Insan is "human, person".
Çok sefil bir insan, so we will understand that the person is really poor or in a really poor situation.
5. üzgün "sad"
Üzgün görünüyorsun. "You look sad."
I'm saying this while I'm smiling. Sad. Yeah. It's actually the topic of this lesson, right? So if you want to learn sad words, first you need to say how to say sad; we say üzgün.
If you want to say "I am sad" - üzgünüm.
Or if you want to ask a friend "are you sad?" Üzgün müsün?
"You look sad" - Üzgün görünüyorsun.
Or if you say "I'm sad" in Turkish, Çok üzgünüm, sometimes it means "I'm sorry" or "I'm very sorry," like you're apologizing. Çok üzgünüm.
Hata yaptım "I made a mistake."
So üzgün actually, depends on the situation, has two meanings.
6. ağlamak "to cry"
Hüzünlü filmler beni hep ağlatır. "Sad movies always make me cry."
So when you see a Turkish friend crying, and if you want to say "oh my friend, don't cry," do you know how to say? You go like this -
Ah arkadaşım, "my friend," "don't cry," ağlama.
Ağlama means "don't cry".
7. cesareti kırılmış "discouraged"
Ağır eleştiriler yüzünden cesareti kırılmış. "He is discouraged because of harsh criticism."
So discouraged. Yeah, it's a bit long word compared to others, right? cesareti kırılmış.
So in Turkish, "discouraged", cesareti kırılmış, can be used as a word or objective. If you want to say "a discouraged man" or "a discouraged person", you say -
cesareti kırılmış bir insan, which means "discouraged person."
But if you want to say "he is discouraged", Onun cesareti kırılmış.
Just like in our example.
8. hayal kırıklığına uğramak "to be disappointed"
Bazı Narnia günlükleri hayranları ilk kez lokumun tadına baktıklarında hayal kırıklığına uğruyorlar. "Some Chronicles of Narnia fans get disappointed when they first taste Turkish delight."
Who? Who are they? Why are you disappointed?
For people who don't know, let me explain, in the Chronicles of Narnia, there is a scene, the little boy was tasting Turkish delight. I'm not sure about the character's name because I'm not such a big fan of it, but there is a like a bad character, lady character, and she was trying to trick the little guy by giving him Turkish Delight, like, "Come with me, come with me, I will give you a Turkish delight." And he was a fan of Turkish delight so he went with that lady. So that is why I think many people know about Turkish Delight.
But why you're disappointed? Because it's a bit sweets, like, very sweet taste? Maybe that's why you're disappointed? It's delicious though. Yeah.
So I'm going to say to you, "Please don't be disappointed" or "Please don't get disappointed" in Turkish, ok?
Lütfen hayal kırıklığına uğramayın.
"Please don't get disappointed."
9. mutsuz "unhappy"
Neden mutsuzsun? "Why are you unhappy?"
So neden means "why", it's a very basic question, right? and mutsuzsun means "unhappy".
So the basically, the core, the root of the word is mut. So from mut, we say mutlu and mutsuzsun.
Mutsuzsun means "unhappy"; mutlu means "happy".
I'm not sure the exact meaning of the root of this word but I think it's something related to your feeling, like the feeling you have is whether they're happy or unhappy.
10. kalbi kırılmak "to be heart broken"
Kalbim kırıldı. "I'm heartbroken."
So kalp means "heart," but when we want to say "heartbroken," we say kalbi. So can you see a difference here? The word actually ends with P, kalp. But then because of Turkish grammar rules, when you want to say kalbi, then P becomes B. So we actually, because this is like a Turkish grammar rule; we don't say kalpi, we say kalbi.
kırılmak means "to break" or "broken". So kalbi kırılmak.
When are we using this thing? when you break up, when you do something nice but you cannot see anything nice in return, or when you hear some bad words about yourself. Yes, like this, right?
kalbi kırılmak
Now we have reached the end! We've finished 10 Sad Words in Turkish. I hope these words can help you but I hope you never use them though. And I would like to see you in the next video. Bye-bye. Take care.

