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Lesson Transcript

Hi everybody. I am Selin from turkishclass101.com
Today, we will talk about How to Respond to “How Are You?”
1. Nasılsın?
“How are you?”
Okay. First, let’s start with learning the question. How to ask “how are you?”
It is, Nasılsın?
“How are you?”
There are other ways to ask how are you?
Another one is Naber? Naber, it is more casual than Nasilsin.
There is one more and it is more polite way to say.
Nasilsiniz? So there are three ways.
Nasilsin? Naber? Nasilsiniz?
2. Ya sen?
“And you?”
So of course, this will be after someone asks you, “how are you?”
“How are you?”
“I am fine. And you?” Right?
So Nasilsin?
Iyiyim which means “I am fine.”
“And you?” Ya sen? Or Sen nasilsin?
Which means, “how are you?”
“And you?” is Ya sen?
Ya sen? You don’t even need to say ya, Just say sen.
Well, it will be casual of course but it will mean the same thing.
Iyiyim. Sen?
3. Son zamanlarda nasılsın?
“How have you been recently?”
Okay. The next one is,
Son zamanlarda nasılsın?
“How have you been recently?”
Um, I think if somebody asks me like “how have you been recently?”
Son zamanlarda nasılsın?
Maybe it will sound like maybe they were just worried about me like maybe I have a bad time. So they are asking me,
Son zamanlarda nasılsın?
Maybe something happened. So that’s why they are asking. So it’s not like – it’s not every day question. You don’t ask every day, Son zamanlarda, Son zamanlarda. Maybe something happened and that’s why you are asking,
“How have you been recently?”
Son zamanlarda nasılsın?
4. İyiyim.
“I'm fine.”
So okay. Let’s make our conversation one more time.
Sen nasilsin?
And you can say again Iyiyim or Ben de iyiyim.
“I’m fine too.”
Ben de iyiyim.
5. Fena değilim.
“I'm not bad.” Which means so so.
Fena değilim.
“I am not good. I am not bad.”
Fena değilim.
I think we use it very often, Fena değilim.
It means like so so. Or you can say,
İdare eder.
It is I think really casual way to say, I am not bad.
So if somebody asks you Nasilsin? You can just say,
İdare eder.
Like so, so.
6. Uykum var.
“I'm sleepy.”
That’s usually me. If you ask me Nasilsin? All the time, I will answer you,
Uykum var. Um, Uykum var.
Maybe it’s not a good idea to say your manager.
7. Kötü hissediyorum.
“I'm feeling bad.”
Kötü hissediyorum.
It sounds like maybe you are sick, maybe your health is not good or maybe you had some fight with someone. It doesn’t have to be physical too of course.
If you say Kötü hissediyorum, then somebody will ask you in return,
Neyin var? You will hear this I think. I am sure.
Neyin var? The question, it means,
“Why? What happened?” Like “what is the problem?”
Neyin var?
8. İdare ediyorum.
“I'm doing okay.”
Do you remember? I also said this before in this video, İdare eder.
İdare ediyorum, I think it’s better way to say. İdare eder is really casual way but both same meaning, İdare ediyorum which means, so so. Not bad. I am doing okay.
İdare eder, İdare ediyorum, Fena değil.
9. Her zamanki gibi.
“Same as always.”
Nasilsin? Her zamanki gibiyim. If you say like this,
“I am same as always.”
Her zamanki gibiyim.
Or you can say like “Everything is same as always.”
Her şey her zamanki gibi.
Her zamanki gibi aynı.
10. Sorduğun için teşekkürler.
“Thank you for asking.”
Well, I think we don’t usually think when somebody asks, “how are you?” to us if it’s like everyday conversation.
Like “how are you?”
I am fine. Thank you for asking. We don’t say.
But sometimes it may sound like, actually you are angry at someone. Thank you for asking like you were never asking me. So when you say this in Turkish Sorduğun için teşekkürler with a big angry tone, then it will be like you are actually not feeling good about that person because that person is never asking you how you feel or like that kind of thing.
It may sound angry sometimes. Well, of course, it depends on your voice tone.
Sorduğun için teşekkürler. Like this.
And we finished our lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. So today, we learned how to say, how to respond to “how are you” question. I think it will be very helpful to you because it’s like very daily conversation. Bye-bye. Görüşürüz!

